Status: Please review (:

Don't Forget (I Love You)

una de una

"Cut!" The actor yelled, and Demi relaxed her shoulders and yawned, running a hand through her hair. She was tired and in need of either coffee or a nap. She had been filming all day and had just finished a scene with Joe.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, see ya later Dem." Joe said to her, giving her a smile.

She nodded and returned his smile, watching as he turned and left. She rolled her head and turned to head back to her trailer. She jumped a bit when she realized Nick was right behind her. "Oh, hey." She chuckled.

"Hey, heading back to your trailer?" He asked her, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I need some coffee, or a nap." She yawned again and chuckled lightly. He smiled and began walking with her to her trailer.

"How was shooting? You seemed to be pretty happy during that scene." Nick glanced at her then back at his shoes as they walked.

Demi raised an eyebrow a bit and looked at him. "Well, yeah, I was supposed to be. It was the first time Mitchie saw Shane in a year." She shrugged a bit, then her lips began to stretch into a smile. "Is this jealousy I detect?"

He looked up at her and 'psh'ed. He shook his head, his curls bouncing a bit, and smiled a bit. "No, no, I was just making conversation."

She cocked an eyebrow at him and laughed. "Oh please Nick, you're totally jealous."

He shook his head and laughed slightly. They reached the door to her trailer and Demi turned to look at him in front of it, blocking Nick from walking in. She gave him a wide smile and crossed her arms.

"Alright, alright, yes, I'm jealous. You're there, all beautiful and everything and you're looking so in love with my brother when you're dating me. And I know its just a movie, but I still don't like it." Nick's face drooped into a pout, his curl falling into his eyes and Demi's heart melted. She grinned at him and giggled softly.

"Come on," She said, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the trailer. He looked at her curiously and she winked at him. "I'm going to show you how much I love you, and think of you when I'm shooting silly love scenes." He smirked a bit as she locked the door and turned to him. She smirked as well, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, lifting her head up to press her lips to his. They kissed deeply and passionately, and soon moved to her long couch where Demi showed Nick just how much she loved him.
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Please review and let me know what you thought, what I could improve, or just say hi :P Thanks for reading!