The Journal Entries

28 January, 2012 1925PM

I had my first appointment with the therapist today. Although, she told me not to call her a “therapist” because she prefers to be called a “counselor.” Whatever. I feel like it’s the same thing.

It wasn’t really that bad. She asked me lots of questions about my past and my parents. And she asked about my friends, and if I had people to talk to. And then she asked why I was there, and I was honest with her. I told her that I wouldn’t have even gone if my boss hadn’t made me go.

As much as I used to hate my boss, I’m actually kind of starting to like her. I mean, she obviously cares about me a little bit. If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t be making me see that therapist in the first place. That makes me feel a little better about things, anyway.

I’m really glad that she saw that burn, if I’m being honest. I’ve been thinking about seeing a shrink anyway, and she happens to be good mates with the one I’m seeing. So I only have to pay fifty quid per session, which is a pretty good price—or so I hear. Either way, I’m getting the help that I need.

Hopefully she can tell me what’s wrong with me.
