Status: New

Rocko's Modern Fanfic (For Lack of a Better Title)


Rocko stacked the letter block on top of the others. Happy with his work, he stood up and took a good look at it.
He had successfully failed to spell his name right, instead having "Roko" spelled out in the blocks. But his wasn't what disturbed him that day. The scream of another kid was.
Rocko looked around his kindergarten classroom frantically to see where it came from. From where he was, he could see a bunch of bigger kids grouped up, pointing at the floor laughing. Being the curious boy he was, he got closer to investigate. He was then able to see a smaller girl on the floor. Her glasses were broken and her face was red with anger and embarassment.
Rocko considered going up to the bullies and standing up for the girl. But then again, did he really want to get punched in the gut today?
He decided to commit the greatest sin of kindergarten– Snitching.
Within a few minutes, the bullies were on a time-out and the girl was sent home, since she couldn't see without them.
Before leaving, she walked up to Rocko. "Thank you," she said. She handed him a small frog plushie, presumably a token of gratitude.
Days went by and Rocko and the girl became friends. Soon best friends, and eventually they got married. Nah, I'm just pullin' your legs. The story between them isn't that cliché.
But they were best friends, and only when she had to move to France with her mother did the two seperate.
Rocko was with her at her house while she packed, and the airport when she left.
The last words he spoke to his best friend were, "Good bye, Cecelia..."