Status: Enjoy! o;

In The Language, Of Machine Guns.

Chapter Two

~3 days later~

I smile as Oliver stands up from the hospital bed, gathering his things to get ready and leave. He got stitches on his arm, from cutting too deep. I have to admit, when I saw his brother put him in the back of the car, I was worried. I had saw blood running down his arm, his arm shaking fiercely.
He grabs my hand and yanks me out of the room.
"Take me to my boyfriends," He says in his cute mid-deep voice. I nod a "yes", and take him out to my car in the parking lot. I have a Range Rover Sport 2010. It's white, with some mud stains. My dad got it for me as a present when I turned 16. It wasn't really a big present, since it was his car, he just got a new one. It still smells new though, which I like. It takes a lot to keep a car smelling new.

Oliver sits in the passenger's seat and buckles himself, careful to not use his left arm too much. I get in the drivers seat and turn on the radio, which is blasting Everybody Talks by Neon Trees. Oliver starts singing along quietly, making me chuckle. I pull out a cigar and light it, sliding it between my lips, putting on my seat belt and pulling off.
I stop at a red light and pull out my Asking Alexandria: Reckless and Relentless CD, turning to number 3, Closure. Oliver smiles and starts singing loudly.

"I thought you were shy," I smirked, my cigarette between my middle and index finger. He stops and sticks his tongue out at me.
"Not around you," He countinues singing, and after a good 15 minutes, I pull into Devin's driveway. I'd never met Devin before, but Oliver said he was 20 and that makes things a little suspicious.

Oliver smiles at me and unbuckles his seat belt, getting out of the car. He sprints up to the front door and knocks impatiently.
Devin walks out after a good 2 minutes of waiting, glaring at Oliver.
"Where have you been?!" He screams. Oliver whimpers and doesn't answer. "Answer me," Devin demands, grabbing Oliver by his wrist.

"Woah!" I yell, getting out of the car. "Don't fucking grab him like that. He has stitches!"
Oliver mouths "No!" to me. That obviously means Devin doesn't know his own boyfriend cuts himself. Curious, Devin lifts Oliver's sleeves and sees band-aids, red scars, x's, and a brand new stitch. He drops Oliver's hands and starts to go off.

"DON'T FUCKING YELL AT HIM LIKE THAT! WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM?!" I push Devin into the door behind us.

We continue yelling at each other and Oliver walks over to the car, getting in the back and laying down, sobbing. After a while, I come over to the car and see Oliver, asleep in the back. I decide to leave him alone and pull off out of the driveway to take him home.



My first day at Washington High.

I see Oliver sitting with a girl with brown and blond hair, almost the same as mine. She's really pretty, and she seems to be talking. A lot. I walk over to them and she smiles at me.
"Tara this is Matt," Oliver smiles at me shyly, making me grin. He's so adorable.
"Nice to meet you Matt," Tara smiles once again and looks down at her phone, tapping away. Oliver rested his head on her shoulder and watched her do whatever she was doing.

The bell rings and everyone heads inside to their lockers, then to 1st period. I walk into Mr. Browns World Studies class and see Oliver sitting in the back, so I make my way down the aisle to sit with him.
"Ah, Matthew, Our new student," I hear Mr. Brown say. "Mind introducing yourself?"
I sit down and look around at everyone. "I'm Matt and you all suck." I say, putting my head down to take a nap.


On my way to my period 2 class, I see Oliver and a black haired boy talking, heading towards the Gym. I pull the boy away from Oliver and next to me. "Hi I'm Matt. You don't know me but I need you to watch over Oliver. Kay? If he comes home talking about, 'Oh, I got beat the shit out of' or something like that, they're never gonna find your body. Kay?" I push the scared boy back to Oliver, and continue walking.

In my Art class, I sit between Emily and Tara, who I became friends with fast. They like the same music as me, the same everything as me really. Emily's like the coolest vietnamese I've ever met. She has long black hair, ripped jeans, Vans, and a Bring me the horizon shirt. I know I'm gonna make friends fast here.

Emily shows me some cool new bands, and Tara teaches me how to steal shoes without getting caught. I teach them new skateboard tricks, and basically talk to them like I would a guy.
We have plans to meet up on Saturday. Oliver probably would want to come, but then again, we're going to the zoo and he doesn't like lions.

After school, I take Oliver to the park, order hot dogs from the hot dog stand, and sit at a bench, talking about the most random things. Then we play with the little kids on the slides and swings. I didn't even notice that 2 hours had flew by. After a while, we decide to take a walk, and as we got up, Devin's attention was turned to us. He storms over and Oliver sits back down, scared. I stay up, ready to fight him again.
"Slut, you shouldn't be taking other peoples boyfriends out. You do know that right?" He says as I roll my eyes.
"At least I actually fucking take him out instead of just beating him all day and making him feel like a worthless piece of shit!" I growl.
"Stop, I want to leave," Oliver mumbles. I sigh. I at least need to do something before I take Oliver. So, I push Devin down and stick my hand out for Oliver so we can get ready to go.
" Oliver, c'mon. Let's just go," I say.
Oliver looks behind me scared, as Devin stands up behind me, and punches me, right in my back, making me wince.


"There's a bruise there alright," Oliver says, laying ice on my back. It stings, but helps.
"This is my fault, I asked you to take me to the park," Oliver looks down and plays with his fingers. He does that when he's nervous or guilty.
"It's not, here. Lay down with me," I pat the space next to me on my bed and Oliver lays there, cuddling the sheets. I wrap my arm around him and watch him blush. "It's not your fault, Okay?"




He looks at me with puppy dog eyes, and those lips.
Those soft fucking lips.
Lord, please take this boy away before I fucking rape him.
I can't resist, so I lean in and kiss him, pulling away quickly. He looks at me, his whole face red as hell. He bites his lip, and there's an awkward silence for about 2 minutes.

Then he kisses me. And this time he doesn't pull away. I blush and kiss him back, closing my eyes. He nibbles on my bottom lip for access, which I grant him willingly. He fights for dominance and wrestles my toungue, roughly sliding his against mine.
He pulls away and blushes brightly. "S-sorry..I got carried away.."
I smile. It was kind of awkward, but cute as hell. "It's alright hun,"
"Can I spend the night? I don't wanna go home.."

"Sure thing,"
♠ ♠ ♠
That sexy picture right there is Tara ^^