Status: incomplete. comments loved!

Between Men & Brothers


“Happy birthday!” all four of my brothers shouted from the doorway before leaping into my bed and piling on top of me.

I grunted as they all landed on me. My oldest brother, Charlie, gave me a noogie and laughed, “‘Nother year older, but you’re still the baby, Cassie!”

“Gawdamn!” I exclaimed. I flapped my arms around, tryin’ to get ‘em all off. “Don’t call me that, Charlie! I ain’t a girl!”

This was how it always was. Every birthday, got piled on, got beat up. My brothers were fans of that punchin’ thing—one punch for every year old you were. Don’t seem like many, twelve punches, but when you had four brothers, it ended up bein’, like, fifty. Don’t laugh, math ain’t ever been my strong suit.

All four of ‘em were gangin’ up on me, taking turns throwing fists into my stomach, when Ma called from the kitchen, “Boys, leave you brother alone! He’s gotta get ready for temple!”

They all climbed off, grumblin’ ‘bout how Ma ruins everything and how they ain’t done yet. I sat up and groaned, “Ma, I ain’t goin’ to no temple!”

“Cas, dear, you want Cava to bless you on your birthday, don’t you?” she called.

“Cava ain’t real, Ma!” I shouted back. “She just some bullshit people made up to feel better ‘bout their shitty lives! Ain’t no one gonna bless nothing!”

“Suit yourself!” she sighed loudly.

“What?” Charlie yelled. “What you mean he ain’t gotta go? Can I skip, too?”

“Yeah!” my other brother, Ryan, chimed in.

A chorus of protest erupted in the living room before Ma shouted, “Quit your cryin’, boys! You’re all goin’, and that’s it!”

Another voice called outta the hall that made me throw my face back in the pillow. “Cas ain’t comin’?”

Brad. I fuckin’ loathed Brad. Ma’s husband since a few years back, and he didn’t deserve a lady like Ma. Ma was sweet, and beautiful, and a damn saint. Brad was a lazy freeloader with a nice face. ‘Bout ten years younger than Ma, too, and if that ain’t enough to make you barf, his nauseatin’ personality would certainly do it.

I acted like I was goin’ back to sleep until they all left. If Brad thought I was up, he’d come in and try to haul my ass off to temple, and then, I’d have to punch him in his smug, lil’ face. Then, Ma would cry. I didn’t wanna make Ma cry, so this was better for everyone.

Once they all shuffled out the door and started their three block walk (we ain’t got a car, no one ‘round here did), I rolled out of bed and picked up a t-shirt and some jeans from off the floor. Didn’t smell, so they’d be good enough. Stumbled into the kitchen, knocked down my daily dose of ritalin, and chased it with a can of that fizzy, green shit we kept in the fridge. Then, I grabbed some beef jerky and flopped onto the couch to watch my shows. I flicked the TV on and vegged out. Sat there for Cava knows how long, ‘till feet were poundin’ up the steps, and Brad tossed the door open.

“You skip temple for this shit?” he ask, pointing at the screen. I shrugged. “Don’t you shrug at me, boy. Have some damn respect, and speak.”

My heart started beatin’ like a drum, a really pissed off drum, but Ma was standin’ right in the doorway, so alls I did was stand up and head off for my room. But Brad wasn’t havin’ none of that.

“You get back here, boy,” he growled. “I ain’t done talkin’ to you!”

“Yeah, well, I am!” I laughed, right before I hooked my fist square into his jaw. Brad’s face spun around, and some sick sorta satisfaction swelled up in my belly.

“Casper!” Ma gasped. She threw a hand over her mouth. Brad started rubbin’ his face. His cheek was bright red.

“Don’t ever talk to me like that again,” I threatened, leanin’ over him, real threatnin’ like. “I swear it, I’m leavin’ this place, and I’m doin’ it soon.”

Started marchin’ right out the open door, throwin’ my shocked siblings outta the way, even as Brad was yellin’, “You turn your ass around, right now, boy!”

Didn’t care ‘bout him. I was gonna visit Macy, ‘cause she was the only person I liked in this shit hole anymore.