I Could Kill Her If I Wanted To...

I wake up with you on my mind

I woke up nervous and in a cold sweat, and yes vampires can sweat. Anyways I got up out of my casket to walk around abit. But, I couldn't help think about her. The first time I saw her.

She was glowing and her hair was flowing in the wind. Her bright eyes stood out against her pale, white skin. What she said. Her voice, a sweet sweet song. Her scent, Oh fuck why can't I stop imagining what she tastes like? I don't even know if she's human! She is possibly the most beautiful creature I've seen in a long while.

I've killed a lot of people and I've had to watch the one I have truely love with all my heart choose another man. Sometimes I dream of her too. Her blonde hair against her honey skin. She was not a vampire. She wanted to be with me but I could not bear to put her through the same pain I've gone through to be turned. I couldn't have her practically destroy herself from the thrist. So, she left, she left because she didn't want me to see her eventually die some day, and she also wanted someone she can live her life with and grow old with.

Her name was Emily.

But, I like to forget her. Anyways it probably wouldn't of worked out well anyways. But this is a pretty big deal for me finding love again. I have also been having dreams of her and she wasn't a vampire she was immortal.