For the Benefit of Mr. Kite

The Hendersons will all be there...

I was still forced to go for a couple weeks, but I was pretty good at hiding for a while. Mr. Kite hadn't seen me since the last time we talked!... When everything went crazy... But of course, all good luck must run out eventually, I suppose.

I had been running, running as fast as I could, just like I did every time I went to visit the nursing home. I ran to my hiding spot. I ran to get away. But, this time I bumped into someone while I was running, and that someone was... Mr. Kite. "Hey there! I haven't seen you in a while. Been running around the world?" What kind of question was that? I certainly hoped Mr. Kite had been joking about that, but it was starting to get hard to tell when he was and was not joking.

"Of course not, that's impossible! There is water in the way! Oceans! There are jungles with lions and panthers who would love to have me for a meal! And it'd just be a ridiculous idea anyways." I replied, with a slightly harsh tone.

"Oh, but it is possible, and it isn't ridiculous! Here, I'll show you!" Said Mr. Kite. Then he grabbed my hand and he was running as fast as the 73-year-old could. which honestly wasn't all that fast, but I couldn't break free. He had a really tight grip.

We ended up in one of the nursing home bedrooms, but when I looked up at the names by the outside of the door, just before we had entered, I noticed it was two people he's never even talked to me about before. Why were we going in there?

"Hello Ms. Smith, Mrs. Taylor." And with that being said, Mr. Kite let go of my hand, walked over to the two women, took a hand from both of them in each one of his own, and kissed the back of theirs.

"Oh, Mr. Kite. You're always such a gentleman." One of the old women had said, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Well, I should be! I'm talking to two very lovely ladies, may the Lord curse me if I'm not a gentleman." Mr. Kite said, another blush turning up on both the old women's faces. "What do you say we go see Mr. Schulz?"

The two old women agreed and, as soon as they got up and put on their slippers, we were walking through the halls, on our way to see whoever this Mr. Schulz was.

We got to the doorway of the room and, Mr. Kite being the gentleman that he is, he let Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Smith go first, followed by me, and then lastly Mr. Kite himself. Once I stepped inside the room I saw an old man fast asleep on his bed. "Mr. Schulz, wake up for Christ's sake!" Mr. Kite exclaimed. Mr. Schulz woke up with a start and, in a very heavy German accent, said "Ah, can't you ever give me some peace, Mr. Kite? I'm only sleeping!" Mr. Schulz turned to face the wall and tried falling asleep once more. "Mr. Schulz, we have visitors! The lovely Mrs. Taylor, the beautiful Ms. Smith, and last but most certainly not least, the incredible little Miss...Miss..."

"Porter. By the way, I am NOT a 'little Miss." I informed him, putting emphasis on the "little". "Porter!" Mr. Kite said, rather enthusiastically, as well as ignoring the last thing I told him. Mr. Schulz had gotten up out of bed by now, but he actually looked sort of happy, instead of irritated like before. "How about we entertain our guest's then, Mr. Kite?" Mr. Schulz said with a big smile on his face.

As quickly as they could, Mr. Kite and Mr. Schulz grabbed a couple pieces of paper and some pencils that hadn't been in any one spot in particular, but instead scattered throughout the room. Ms. Smith, Mrs. Taylor, and I couldn't see what they were writing, but with Mr. Kite being the way he is, it was definitely going to be something crazy and weird.

They turned around after a couple minutes and handed each one of us a paper. The paper read "There will be a circus tonight, with lots of amazing things! An elephant rider, a man who swallows fire, as well as being shot through rings! An acrobat that does flips on Aerial silk that's 50 feet tall, and a lovely women who cares for animals and loves to do the waltz! There will be food, and fun, and joy for everyone! So, we hope you can go, we hope you can come, because like we said before, there will be so much joy and fun!"

Were they crazy? We can't go to a circus! Well... They can't anyway. They're stuck here, in a nursing home. "Mr. Kite, how on Earth are we gonna be able to go to a circus tonight?" I asked, curious to see what his answer was going to be. "Silly, we aren't GOING to one, we're going to be IN one!" Like I said before... With the way Mr. Kite is, it was going to be something crazy and weird.

In a leader-like voice, Mr. Schulz said, "The beautiful Ms. Smith is going to be an Aerial acrobat and a tightrope walker, the lovely Mrs. Taylor is going to stack and balance objects, and the incredible little Miss. Porter is going to do something involved with things that aren't so little... She's going to ride and do tricks with the elephants!" My jaw would have nearly fell to the floor, had I not remembered that there's no way all of this could actually happen.

Finishing what Mr. Schulz was saying, Mr. Kite said, "Mr. Schulz will be doing all sorts of flips and somersaults, doing whatever a human pretzel does. And I will be flying through hoops of fire as well as swallowing fire!"

"Alright, how are we going to go about doing all of this then?" I asked. They had explained what we were doing and what we were going to be, but never how we were going to do all of it. "It's quite simple, young darling, we lie down." Mr. Schulz said as he was just laying down himself. Everyone, aside from me, started laying down on their backs, with their eyes closed, and their hands out towards each other so they could hold hands. They made the shape of a "C", leaving a spot for me to lay down so I could complete the circle.

"I'm sorry Mr. Schulz, I don't understand any of this. How is laying down going to help?" I asked, but as soon as I had finished talking Mr. Kite had replied with a "Shh" and said, "Olivia, my dear! Just lay down, you'll see!" So, I sat down between Mr. Kite and Ms. Smith and I leaned back, holding onto one of Mr. Kite's and one of Ms. Smith's hands. As soon as I lie down and closed my eyes, Mr. Schulz started talking aloud, welcoming everyone and introducing the ringmaster, Mr. Kite. And soon, I was fast asleep.