Status: I'm working on it, this is my first story please leave comments <3


Twelve: Lost Lover, Gained Friend?

Alex’s POV
I woke up in my bunk not remembering how I got there. I went to stretch but I hit something and it replied with an “OW!”
“Lily?” I asked getting very confused by the female voice in my bed.
“Who’s Lily?!” Oh shit. “Wow, Alex.” Lisa said hopping out of the bunk and scavenging for her clothes. “I thought you’d changed but I guess not.” She said while pulling up her skinny jeans. “So who’s Lily? Honestly Alex, you have to stop fucking with peoples’ hearts.”
“Lisa, it’s not like that.” I protested as she adjusted her tank top.
“Really Alex, ‘cause it looks like it is like that.” A new voice chimed in. Fuck, this cannot be happening.
“Hi babe.” I tried to change the subject as I looked over to see bald, disheveled, pissed off looking Lily.
“Oh no, don’t try to pull the ‘babe’ card! That ship sailed when you didn't even remember to call after my chemo.” She paused and I thought she may cry but she kept it together to continue yelling at me. “God Alex, you’re such a dick. The rest of the guys checked in on me and I get nothing from you, so I drive my dying ass to New York to see if everything’s okay and you decide to cheat on me!” Now she was crying. I opened my mouth but she wasn't having it. “Bitch please, you think I want to hear your lame-ass excuse!” then she slapped me hard across the face and Lisa pulled her into a hug.
“Nice going, douche.” Was all Lisa said and they walked off the bus together.
“Wait!” I screamed after them but they didn't come back and the guys walked on the bus. Jack spoke first.
“Dude, you fucked up big time.” He informed obviously while Zack and Rian just glared at me.
Lily’s POV
Lisa drove my car home because she had taken the train and I was far too distraught to drive without killing anyone. At a red light, Lisa asked me a question. “Are you okay?” she had the audacity to ask me.
“Well, I have stage four lung cancer, my mom’s an alcoholic, my sister’s dead, I don’t even know where my dad is, my boyfriend cheated on me and I’m bulimic so I’d say I’m just peachy.” I replied sarcastically.
“Oh god, sorry, I didn't know all that.” She apologized quickly and I realized my bitchiness.
“It’s fine, chemo makes me moody.” I didn't know if that was true but I needed an excuse.
“Well, I’m sorry that today has kind of sucked so far, but you want to hang out?”
“Uh, maybe tomorrow, I don’t think I’m up for going out right now.”
“I understand, um where do you live.” She asked as we drove nearer to Baltimore. I told her my address and she was silent for a moment and I was confused. “You live with him?” she asked sounding slightly shocked with a pinch of jealousy.
“Neighbors” I corrected.
“Oh, so uh what do you do? Ya know, for a living.” She asked making small talk assuming I had an office job or something.
“I’m a “dancer”” I said making air quotes and realizing how embarrassed I was by my profession.
“Is that how you to met.” Lisa asked me trying to hide the light dusting of disgust in her voice.
“No, he saw I need help with some boxes when I moved in.” I told her without mentioning the part where I had a breakdown.
“Wow, your life’s just a fan-fiction gone wrong.” She remarked. I laughed it off and tried to ignore the “gone wrong” part.
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So this probably isn't what you guys wanted to happen but I kinda made it up as I went so . . .