Status: I'm working on it, this is my first story please leave comments <3


Sixteen: I'm Coming With You

Alex’s POV
I woke to a soft beep and breath other than my own against my chest. I found myself entangled in limbs, that belonged to Lily and I, and entangled it chords and cables, which belonged to the various hospital machines. I breathe slowly and calmly in my half-awake state, while all Lily’s respiratory system could manage was uneven gasps. It was 8:00pm. We had slept all day. The guys were probably worried and Matt probably wanted his car back. I had 20 texts and 10 missed calls.
JackAttack&lt;3: Where are you man?
JackAttack&lt;3: Did you guys get back together?
Ri: You okay?
Zacky: What’s goin’ on?
Flyzik: You’re missing sound check.
Flyzik: Where the hell is my car?!
Evan: Dude, what happened?
Jeff: Are you coming to the show?
Alex Grieco: Everyone is like freaking out, where are you?
Vinny Vegas: Did you get the girl?
Colussy: Get your ass back here by 9 or Flyzik is going to explode.
The rest were Jack complaining about being hungry.
1 missed call from Jack
3 missed calls from Rian
4 missed calls from Flyzik
2 missed calls from Colussy
I deleted it all and set out one group text: I’m fine; I’ll be back by 9.
As I sat on the edge of the bed with my phone, the mattress concaved around me and Lily woke up.
“Hey babe” she said in the cutest voice ever and rolled over to meet my eyes.
“Lil, I’m so sorry. You should probably still be mad at me, but I have to go. The show starts at 9:30 and Flysik’s going to kill me if I’m not there. I love so much and I know I’m a fuck-up, but you need to know that you mean the world to me.” I exclaimed at an incalculable speed.
“Oh God, Alex . . .” she crawled across the bed and kissed me passionately. “I fucking love you, and if isn’t too much to ask, I want to come with you.” She said looking apprehensive.
“Lil, I . . .” I couldn’t think of a way to say no without her being crushed. “I want you to come, I really do, but you’re in the hospital.” I looked around the boringly sterile room to avoid her teary eyes.
“Alex, please.” She ran the back of her hand against the stubble of my cheek. “I need you so much right now,” she took the deepest possible breath she could and continued. “The reason I tried to kill myself was because I thought I’d lost you. You’re the only person left in my life that cares about me. You’re my last hope; please.” There was no way I could say no.
“We’ll make it work, grab your coat.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It will get better I promise