Status: I'm working on it, this is my first story please leave comments <3


Six: Love or Lust

Alex’s POV
I was utterly shocked by what Lily told me, but I didn't let her know that because I didn't want to lose her. Right now we’re lying in my bed and I had my arms around her. Suddenly she shifted and a cute little noise escaped her mouth as she stretched.
“Hi” she said rolling over to face me.
“Hi” I repeated and stared into her green eyes.
Lily’s POV
We just stayed like that, staring into each other’s tired eyes. It’s been a while since I've felt butterflies, but I was feeling them right now as I looked at the man I had told secrets that no one else would ever know.
To quote John Green; I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly and then all at once.
Wait; was I in love with Alex? No, I can’t be, we just met. Wow, this is too much. “I think I should go.” I said as I had a battle with myself inside my head.
“Oh yeah, okay.” He said standing up and looking disappointed. “You want to hang out sometime?” he asked with a glint of sky-blue hope in his chocolate eyes.
“Sure, are you free tomorrow?” I asked indulging him.
He shifted his feet on the mahogany hard-wood floor and there was a creaking sound. “Um, I kind of have a concert tomorrow.”
I moved closer and put my hand on his shoulder. “And I kind of have tickets to that concert.” I whispered and he looked a little taken aback. “See you there?” I asked being taken over by an orb of flirtatious pink.
“Yeah, see you there.” He smirked and I flounced out of his bedroom and then through his front door.
When I made it back to my place I was honestly surprised with myself. This is the most confident I've been in a while. I took a shower and felt a pain in my chest but ignored it.
I left for work with a cigarette dangling from my mouth not because I was metaphoric like Augustus Waters, but because I've smoked since I was 16: stress reliever.
I arrived at my new job in my flashy car and looked up at the sign. The Cat Scratch Club: I dance.
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Thanks for reading as usual. There are 3 references in this chapter. 2 from my favorite book The Fault In Our Stars by John Green also 1 from a play that probably no one has seen called Rent. Virtual high-five if you can find them all.