Status: I'm working on it, this is my first story please leave comments <3


Eight: A Confession

Lily’s POV
As when we pulled out of the parking lot I started sobbing uncontrollably. Alex grabbed my hand and made small circles over my skin with his thumb.
“You don’t have to talk right now, but I need to know about this when we get home.” Alex told me without taking his eyes off the road. I nodded even though he couldn't see me and gripped his hand tighter.
When we arrived at our building Alex parked in his spot and the guys in the one next to it which happened to be mine. Before we got out of the car, Alex gave me his sweatshirt so I could save myself from further embarrassment. We all walked into the building getting strange stares from people. One, because they could basically see my ass and I was crying and two, the guys were kind of famous and everyone knew Alex lived here.
When we got to our floor the guys walked through Alex’s door while Alex and I went into my apartment. I sat on the couch for the first time since I had just gotten all the boxes off of it today. Alex stood in front of me. I looked up at him with what was left of my makeup streaming down my face. He kneeled down and sat back on his heels while wiping my face lightly with his fingertips. “Please tell me what’s going through that pretty, little head of yours.” He requested while gripping my hipbones and moving me into his lap so we were both on the floor.
“I-I just don’t know what my life is anymore.” I paused to look him in the eye and continued. “I’m slipping; I don’t remember the last time I had a proper meal and kept it down, I a stripper for fuck’s sake, my whole fucking family is gone,” I explain then whispered the next part: “ and I don’t know how much long I’m going to last.” He looked sad when I told him this and I didn't like it. “I fucking useless; I’m a burden to society, I have no life ahead of me, and I don’t know if I want to be here anymore. An-and and I don’t think anyone would miss me if-,” I was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine. It was a gorgeous hot pink mess of sweat, tears, desperation, and glitter. It deepened into an intense red-violet when I parted my lips to let his tongue battle mine. It was glorious and passionate until he pulled away.
“Lily Gemma Marcs-Brown, don’t ever say shit like that again.” He scolded. “You are amazingly beautiful and perfect in every way.” He professed while I stared in shock. “I would fucking miss you, an-and god damn it, I love you!” He proclaimed excitedly.
“Oh my god Alex, no one has ever said anything like that to me; ever.” He somewhat disappointed and then I remembered. “I love you too.” I declared as he stood and pulled me up with him and to my surprised dipped me back tango style and kissed me with a world record breaking amount of affection. The room danced in fuchsia but everything stopped and blew back to reality when someone sneezed behind me. I shrieked and stood abruptly, banging my head into Alex’s chin on the way. There were several manly shouts perhaps in reaction to me. One belonged to Alex who was startled by the sneeze and pained by my head and three more belong to Jack, Zack, and Rian who were standing in the door way.
“What the hell, how long have you been standing there?” Alex was the first one to speak.
“We came over to see what was taking so long but,” Rian trailed off.
“We kind of walked in on something and didn't want to disturb you so we eavesdropped.” Zack explained.
“Then I sneezed!” Jack stated feeling left out.
“Well, since they know, Lily, would you be my girlfriend?” Alex asked. I paused for a moment creating suspense just to freak Alex out.
“Well duh!” I laughed and Alex picked me up and spun me around.
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Thank you so much for subscribing guys! Sorry it's taken me a while to update."