Merci Pour Le Venin


Gerard knew it would happen eventually, just not that it would happen this soon. No matter how perfect they were, no matter how many things they'd done, no matter how long it lasted, the band had always been a ticking time bomb. There was nothing anyone could do when it exploded but sit back and watch everything unfold. The band was a beautiful, perfect machine. Every album, every song, every word, every flaw was what made them so unique. But no matter how special the band was, there was always fact that all good things must come to an end, and My Chemical Romance was no exception. At the last show, that was when Gerard knew that it was over. When the words became automatic and every action was fake, he knew the bomb had exploded. There would always be other things, but none quite like the band that had saved his life countless times. He was horrible with goodbyes, but knew this had to be one. There was no other option. So as the message spread through the fans like wildfire, he began writing a letter. The letter was adressed to no one in particular, just a general message to anyone who would listen. It described everything that was going through his head and explained the reasons behind what an alarming amount of people viewed as a tragedy. He left words of comfort and anecdotes of what had led him to the discovery of the band's dwindling life and how he distracted himself from it. Gerard felt better when he got it all off his chest, and hoped it made others feel better as well. He believed his profound ending words had left everyone with the same feeling he himself had.

"My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die.
It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you.
I always knew that, and I think you did too.

Because it is not a band-
it is an idea.

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