

As soon as the words left his mouth, Blaine felt the rightness of it. He knew that he'd go to NYADA, because if his friends believed in him, which from their faces they did, then surely he could make it.
Maybe he could even convince Kurt that they should be together.
So a slow smile crept over his face as he imagined it, and his friends congratulated him.
"Oh. My. God. Bling-Bling, this calls for a party!" Tina exclaimed, an excited glint in her eye. When Blaine replied that it would be a great idea, Tina and Unique linked arms with him and pulled him along as they started making plans. Blaine didn't hear much of what they were saying as they walked, and barely noticed when Unique left, leaving him with Tina as they walked towards his house.
"Blainey days, you in there?" She waved a hand in front of his face. He blinked, seeing his front door before him.
"Oh yeah. Sorry Tay-Tay, spaced out again." He dug the key out of his pocket and looked down at the key chain longingly. It was a swan with a bow tie that Kurt had given him when they were together. Kurt had the partner to it, a swan with a flower. He sighed with a smile and unlocked the door, heading inside with Tina. After a detour through the kitchen for some cookies that Blaine's mother had made and left out on the kitchen island and some cokes from the fridge, they went up to his room so Tina could fill him in on the party plans that he'd completely missed.

Tina sat cross-legged across from Blaine on the bed with cookies on a plate in between them. As Blaine munched on his chocolate-chocolate chip cookie, Tina started to explain.
"So, Wade thinks we should rent out Breadsticks and have the party there, but I was thinking, seeing as you'll be living in New York, why not make it a New York party?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean Blaine, that we should call Rachel and Lady Fabulous and fly out to New York for a Big Apple celebration!" Tina exclaimed, using her old nickname for Kurt.
"I don't know Tina, do you really think we could fly everyone out there?"
Tina's excited mood deflated as she thought about it. ""
"Maybe...We could have it here!" He said, smiling.
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No track list for this one, sorry!