

I haven't been to sleep yet, so at the moment, I was staring up at the ceiling, though I couldn't really see it. Glancing over at my clock, I saw it was 2:09 in the morning. Letting out a sigh, I pulled the covers off and got out of bed, walking out of my room to the kitchen. Blaine was out like a light, his chest rising and falling with every breath.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I took a seat on one of the chairs in the kitchen, rubbing the back of my neck. Staring out of the window and at the moon, I pondered over what life would be like if I had lived outside of New York.

I must have passed out because the next thing I know I am being shaken awake by Blaine, my face feeling weird from being pressed against my arms. "Hey, Joey, wake up," he was saying making me look up at him.

"Hmm? What?" I said, rubbing my eyes and yawning. "What's up?"

"You're sleeping at the kitchen table. You dropped your water bottle which woke me," he said, causing me to look at the floor to where my bottle had rolled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I couldn't sleep when I was in my room, so I came out here to maybe calm my inner thoughts," I replied, standing up and picking up my water bottle. Finding it room temperature, I stuck it back in the fridge and turning back to face Blaine. "I'm sorry for waking you, man. I was hoping I wouldn't."

"You're fine, J.R.," he replied, his smile causing any unease to melt away. I felt the urge to wrap my arms around his waist and slow dance with him in the moonlight, causing my face to burn. Lowering my gaze, I cleared my throat.

"Um. Well, I suppose I will try and get to sleep in my bed," I said, scratching the back of my head. "I'll see you in the morning, Blaine." I looked up at him and smiled softly. "Good night."

"Night, J.R.," he replied, smiling back and giving a little wave. I started making my way to my room when I stopped and turned back towards him.

"Is it weird that I like it when you call me Joey?" I asked, causing Blaine to look back at me curiously.

"Does anyone else call you Joey?" he asked, causing me to shrug.

"Just Adam, but that's just barely," I said, looking at the floor. Shaking my head and letting out a small laugh. "Sorry, I suppose I overthink too much." Saying good night once more, I went through mmy bedroom door and closed it, resting my forehead against it.

If I hadn't been really listening, I wouldn't have heard Blaine say, "I think it's cute that you overthink things..."

Time Elapse

I awoke the next morning to my alarm, which I realized came much sooner than I expected. Shutting my alarm off, I remained in bed for what seemed like an eternity. Before I could move, there was a light knock on my door. "Joey, it's Blaine. I have coffee."

"Be right out," I said, slowly kicking off the covers and getting out of bed. Walking out of the room, I saw Blaine with his hair in curls and looking as if he just crawled out of bed as well.

"I went to the cart we got it from yesterday," he said, handing me a cup. I smiled, flipping the tab and inhaling the wondrous aroma.

"Thank you," I said, grabbing his free hand and pressing a kiss to the inside of his wrist. We both froze at that moment, our eyes fixed on one another. I let his hand drop, gripping my coffee with both hands. "That never happened," I said, a blush rising to my cheeks as I gently pushed my way past him.

Blaine didn't say anything, but I could sense him following me to the kitchen. We sat down, and for the rest of the morning, we remained silent, unsure of how to react to what just happened.