Status: Review please (:


Go run run run I'm gonna stay right here ;

She opened her eyes with a start, gasping and choking on a sob. She looked around wildly at the forest surrounding her. She could still hear the demonic cackling and feel her racing heartbeat, but it was all fading and slowing. Her breath was caught, her heart slowing, her tears stopping, and the forest didn't appear to be closing in on her anymore. She felt peaceful. She felt safe.

She'd gone through Hell and back. Literally. She was finally out of there. She finally won. She'd been forced to battle her demons and she beat them. She won. Actually. Won. The euphoria filled her as the realization hit her full force. She would never be under their control again. She was a victor; free.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I just randomly pulled this out of my head, it was inspired by feeling down and telling myself that I'm in recovery, that I'm a fighter, and I'm strong. And I started to wonder about a more literal form of recovery and bam, here ya go! I kinda made it seem like this girl was fully recovered and I acknowledge that in a lot of cases recovery never ends. Like I said though, I just pulled this out sort of as a coping thing so if you need to critique me on something, please don't do it on that. But if you do read this, please DO comment and leave me your thoughts (:

Word count: 124