Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

March 29th, 2013

Last night, I went to sleep sad and this morning, I woke up sad.
I'm tired of worrying about Lucy and whether or not she gives a shit about me because it's affecting how my day is each day.
If Lucy hates me: I will move on with my life. It shouldn't matter. I know she'll talk about me soooo much, but for the rest of the school year, I can sit in my teacher's rooms for lunch or I can sit with my friend (who I haven't made into a character yet) or with Kevin whenever he's here.
I wish that I didn't care so much about that 30 minute break in my school days. It really isn't that big of a deal but I feel like if I have no one to sit with, it's the end of the world.
I'm so lonely at home, I don't want to be lonely at school either.
But yesterday I spoke to some old friends and I realized that I am not completely friendless. Hopefully, I can hang out with them this break.
Yesterday, I tweeted Lucy's enemy and spoke to her a little while. She isn't my enemy... I like her, but sometimes she annoys me. Lucy is so FUCKING IMMATURE OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS.
She saw that I was talking to her enemy, so she went and retweeted mine hahahahahahaha.
And Lucy calls Mila immature LOL.
That's one of the most immature things I've seen Lucy do.
I'm pretty sure that Lucy and I are done and I'm also pretty sure that she won't do anything to keep the friendship there.
Oh well.
Life moves on. I've just got to go with the flow I guess.
I need to love myself so no one has to.
I need to take a breath and let the rest come easy.
I need to stay awake and get a grip and get out because I'm safe from the weight of the world.
I need to just take a second to set things straight.
I'll be fine even though I'm not always right.
I can count on the sun to shine.
lol those are all time low lyrics but they honestly help me a lot!!
And I'm seeing them soon!
So I need to realize that there are other people besides Lucy.
I have C, S, Mila, M, J, Kevin, A, Meg, AA, and my family.
I'll be okay.
I can't die from this bullshit unless Lucy's crazy ass comes and murders me.