Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

April 4th, 2013

I hung out with old friends today.
I've made them into characters, although they will hardly be mentioned.
Kristen and Song.
They used to be my best friends before I switched schools!
I've known Kristen since 5th grade and I've known Song since 6th.
Song and I used to be super close, like Mila & I are now, so we bickered a lot, but the only reason for our loss of communication was the school switch.
Like I said, I went out with them today. We ate lunch at a new restaurant (which was horrible, btw) and then we went to the mall.
It was a bit awkward, but not too bad. I'm glad I did it at least.
Social anxiety didn't hold me back. I didn't say much though.. I struggled with starting a conversation and I spoke way too much when it came to keeping one going.
So, my day has been fine!
Mila took off our friendship bracelet today to put in her grandmother's casket. She passed away a few days ago.
Maybe it'll give me a reason to take mine off? It's been bugging me.
But I'm happy that she was able to put something into the casket with her grandmother that was so important to her.
Now, it's buried underground.
I don't know if it'll disintegrate? I wonder if it'll be found years from now and everyone in the future tries to figure out what "All Time Low; Dirty Work" means.
That'd be cool.
I've thought about Lights a little bit today when I was telling Song about Kevin coming out of the closet.
I thought about myself coming out of the closet.
Of course I said "Haha, I don't think I'm gay. I don't want to be."
HA! I can't believe I said that.
I am gay.
For Lights.
That's the only person of the same gender that I've fallen for.
Lights seems sad, I don't think she wants anything to do with me at the moment.
I'll just let whatever happens happen.
But today wasn't bad and that's all.
I just hope that it was okay for others, too.