Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

April 20th, 2013

Last night was the night that was supposed to end up being the "best night of my life," but of course, things didn't work out as planned. I went to the Spring Fever Tour with the bands All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Mayday Parade, and You Me At Six. It was super fun and excited for a little while. Mila & I arrived and we got in line with a few friends. We ate, laughed, talked, etc. We went to the diner to use the restroom and a few of All Time Low's crew members were there and that was really surreal. Then, I saw Lucy and Lights and that's where it kind of went downhill. They aren't the reason why that show wasn't the best though, just making that clear. I'm just saying that after seeing them, my mood kind of went down, then it came back up, then it started raining.
My hair cannot get wet. It's horrible when it's wet, but the rain soaked everyone. Everyone had groups of up to 8 people crowded under an umbrella. It was storming like crazy, but of course, we weren't going to get out of the line! We were pretty close up.
Once it was time for Pierce The Veil's meet and greet, somehow, Lucy got to go in for it and she left Lights all alone in line at her first concert ever. She's so selfish! How could you do that for someone. If I came to a show with one person, (especially one who's never been to an actual show before,) I would never leave them, even if it was for All Time Low or Pierce The Veil. But Lucy did.
I guess Lights went back to Lucy's car (???) because she texted me once everyone was inside and asked if she could hang out with Mila & I. Of course, Mila said "Hell no." So I deleted the text and pretended that I never got it. In the back of my head, I really wanted Lights to be with me. It was the perfect situation to be extremely close to her. But then again, she only texted me because she didn't have Lucy. The first time her and Lucy walked by Mila & I, she pretended like we weren't even there. Later on, I saw her and she waved, but I don't even know if Lucy was there to see it.
Once we got inside, I saw two other bitches I dislike and they tried to talk to me, that was annoying.
You Me At Six was first. Mila and I were in the crowd and we couldn't breathe because everyone was pushed against each other. That venue is WAY too small for 2000+ people... Mila and I had to get out and we just walked around the venue while YMAS played. We don't care for them too much anyways. We went back into the crowd during Mayday Parade and ended up staying. Mayday was pretty good. I didn't know half of their songs, though.
Pierce The Veil was absolutely perfect. There was confetti shot into the air and Vic Fuentes' voice was perfect and for some reason, everything seemed to relate to me. I cried a lot during their set.
Then, the finale, All Time Low came on. I didn't cry as much as I expected. They were also incredible (of course.)
I guess at the end of the day, the show wasn't bad at all! I'm just not used to not meeting any of the band members afterwards. It's like I didn't really see All Time Low because I didn't get to touch or hug or talk to any of them. I bought Zack birthday presents that he never got and I stayed up all fucking night, drawing them this cute cartoon that they'll never see, now.
I wish that I could just have a moment with them. Just a minute. But I don't know if I'll ever get that now, considering how many fans that they now have. It's a bit disappointing. I got my chance 2 years ago, but I was so immature and they didn't mean half as much back then as they do mean to me now.
If I met even just one member of All Time Low, last night would've been fucking perfect.
But on a scale of 1 to 10, my night was an 8.
Now, I'm anxious about Monday and going to school because Lucy will be bragging and all Lights will be talking about is Lucy and it's going to irritate me. Of course, I'll act like nothing is wrong (which I'm very good at.) I'll tell them that it was perfect and I don't care that I didn't get to meet anyone and I don't care that I wasn't at the barricade and I was in the sAME DAMN SPOT AS I ALWAYS AM AT THAT VENUE. Right of the stage, next to the giant pole, in the middle.
I'll tell them it was worth waiting in the pouring rain for.
I'll tell them it was worth waiting six months for.
I'll tell them it was great. And they'll believe me.
If they even bother to speak to me.
I feel like they'll stop talking to me for the dumbest reasons. I'm just paranoid, but it'll be in the back of my mind until I see them again.
That's why I cannot wait until school is out.
Please. These next few weeks need to go by so much faster. Please.
I don't want to be around Lucy anymore.
I don't want to see Lights anymore because she breaks my heart.
I don't want to see anyone anymore.
Except for maybe Austin because honestly, he is the only one who seems to genuinely give a shit about me.
I want my weekend to be relaxing, not spent on thinking about these people that never really think about me.
These selfish people.