Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

May 14th, 2013

Today was wonderful. I'll start from the beginning. When I woke up, late, I was wide awake, which was a good start to the day, but when I went to pick up Mila to go to school, she took too long to get out of her house. It's so frustrating when she takes her time to get in the car for school. Then, complains when she's late. Luckily, today, she wasn't late. Neither was Lights. (Or at least not as late as usual...) It was only her and I for a little while and that was nice. I was a lot more open than normal today. I guess I'm feeling more and more comfortable around her and our other friend. Lights and I had a tiny heart to heart about Lights' girlfriend, Hayley, and about Lucy and her secret affairs with Austin. Lucy is such a whore! I would've never guessed that she could be so slutty, and such a liar! What she's told me is that when her and Austin actually dated, he cheated on her, but from what I learned today from Lights and our friend is that that story isn't true and that Lucy jumped to conclusions. I hate liars and she was my "best friend." She shouldn't lie to me. Anyways, I learned today that Lucy is giving Austin hickeys undercover. No one is supposed to know, but I've noticed that Lights is kind of a big mouth. So, now everyone knows and Lucy can't hide it anymore that she wants to fuck Austin. Because she's a whore. She was "head over heels" for her recent ex. (They lasted a year.) He's a HUGE reason why her, Mila, and I got into arguments because Lucy was banned from being with this boy, but would use Mila and I go secretly go and see him. She risked so much to see this boy all of the time and when she broke up with him "because it was the best thing to do," she was crying. I'm beginning to think that she wasn't that heartbroken and she was probably happy to be single and fuck Austin. (You know, cause she's a slut.) JUST FUCKING ADMIT THAT YOU STILL LOVE HIM. She's lied to all of her friends now, everyone she knows! Just admit it. Well, now it's too late. If she just told us from the beginning, we wouldn't be too upset with her! Anyways, from the morning into the day and to now, my day was actually pretty great. But, I'm not too sure if it'll last for the rest of this school year. I pray to God that it will!
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I feel so mean but whatever