Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

July 27th, 2013

Today was pretty okay. Slightly frustrating, but everything seemed to work out. I went shopping with my best friend. When I got home, I started creeping on Lucy's social networking profiles, like Twitter and Tumblr. She's just so fucking aggravating, honestly. She's speaking to my "enemy," which of whom is someone that I hardly ever think about anymore. But I know that she's trying to get her "revenge." She's trying to feel like a hard ass for speaking to people that I don't get along with. She doesn't know that I can see her Twitter, but I can. I can see everything she's doing and saying. I shouldn't care that she's talking to this girl, but I do. Not necessarily because she's talking to someone that I dislike and is attempting to be friendly with this person to get back at me, but because she stooped to that level. She's a hypocrite. I cannot stand people like her. She'd talk so much shit about this girl when we were friends, but now that Lucy and I aren't friends, she wants to act so sweet and innocent to this girl again. Doing her favors and shit. She's very good at bribing people, so as long as she'll buy my "enemy" starbucks every now and then, they'll be such great friends. I'm not sure if this paragraph is even making sense, (or if anyone is actually reading it for that matter,) but yeah. I'm annoyed.
Warped Tour is in 2 days and Lucy will be there. With who, I don't know, but she's gonna be there and I don't want to see her. She's the last person I want to see. And she won't ruin my day, but she will make me angry for a little while. But I know that's what she wants. If I see her, I'll pretend that I don't. Because I know that will piss her off. If she's with Austin, I might send a smile his way. (What can I say? He's cute.) Even though her and Austin are dating now, I know that Austin finds me attractive. I know that he doesn't hate me even though Lucy does. I know that if I truly wanted to, I could talk to him and get to know him, but I'm not going to do that. I know he loves Lucy, but not as much as she thinks he does. Anyways, that's my update for now. Nothing much else has happened that I should really write about.