Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

August 9th, 2013

Recently, I haven't found the need to write about my days. I feel like I should make writing on here a habit, though. Just to keep my feelings in check, I guess. The past few days have been great! I've been practicing my driving and only almost crashed once, aha. My birthday passed and I got the things that I wanted. I had a sleepover with Shailene, Demi, Tay, and Mila. We gossiped and argued a bit with Lucy. It was fun and we stayed up until 5 AM. I was so exhausted yesterday. Today, I'm just going to relax and hang out with Mila and America. Should be fun, too. I'm happy that I'm getting to know Shailene and Demi a little better, especially since school is starting up soon. I want to have people that I know I can trust and can keep a promise. My last few groups of friends have been completely terrible people, but this is my last year of high school and I don't want some random bitches to fuck it up for me.