Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

August 16th, 2013

I haven't been writing in here recently. I feel like I need to update everyday. I think I said that in my last entry? Anyways, life has been pretty good the past few days, but a few days ago, (I think maybe 3?) Mila got into a huge fight with her brother and mother. This is typical in her life, but this was one of the biggest yet. It ended in her brother choking her and her mother just standing there, not giving one shit. Then, when Mila went to call the police, her mom was trying to pry the phone from her hands and prevent Mila from calling anyone. Mila's mom and brother constantly team up against her and her mom definitely favors Mila's brothers. Mila's mom practically worships her sons because she's afraid of them. They have temper issues and have abused her mom before. Mila wouldn't, so her mom treats her like shit. It's strange to think of her mom doing that, although I see it everyday, because her mom is a saint to everyone else. She's the typical hispanic mom, going to church and always helping everyone around her. Begging people to try her food is of the norm. I don't know... Mila's been trying to stay away from her home, but it's hard. Mila and I literally walk to each other's homes everyday. She lives in my neighborhood, right down the street. That's why we're always together. If it were up to me, Mila would be staying at my house forever. The problem is my parents. If they knew that Mila's brother was the way he was, I would never be able to hang out with Mila or go to her house. So, the secret must be kept to keep our friendship in check.
Besides that, I recently found out that Austin went to jail. He's out now, but it scared the shit out of me. From what I know of Austin, he's sweet and really hot. (lol) I like him, but not too much. It's like, I wouldn't ever date him, but I'd totally makeout with him.
Lucy's a fucking bitch and I hate her guts, but if you've been reading, you already know that.
Lately, I've been hanging out with Mila, Demi, Shailene, Miley, and Tay more often. Yesterday, I slept over Demi's house with all the girls and I tried a hookah for the first time. It hurt in my throat, but it was lots of fun. Plus, normally, I'm not for twerking, but everyone was and it was hilarious. I love these girls. Sadly, Tay's leaving soon! She's going off to college and it's really sucking.
Shailene is really fucking aggravating sometimes, but I'll get over it.
Right now, my favorite is Demi.
Also, I'm pretty fucking sure that I'm bisexual because I'm also attracted to Demi, but I wouldn't ever do anything with her. Plus, the attraction for her isn't as strong as my attraction to Lights was.
I hate thinking about Lights, ugh.
I really truly hate her now, but sometimes, I reminisce about how things used to be between her and I. I used to get so nervous and excited to see her and I'd get butterflies when we hugged or even if she just touched my arm. Anything... But I don't care as much anymore. Honest.
Anyways, I'm going to try my best to remember to write everyday. I might write again tonight, since my day has yet to start. Bye for now! x
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Thank you to those people who are actually reading my entries and messaging me about how they feel the same. I've gotten a few since I started this thing and it really helps to know that I'm not alone in feeling all of this anxiety and depression and other sad shit! Thank you! :)