Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

August 27th, 2013

Today was just as good as yesterday was. Possibly even better, if I'm honest! Things have been going good the past few days, minus all of the anxiety.
I started AP English 4 today, which is Advanced Placement in British Literature, and on top of that, it's college level. I don't know how well it is going to go.
For our summer assignment, I had to choose 4 books to read and annotate one. Of course, I only read the one that I was planning on annotating. Then, I decided to begin reading and annotating it about 3 days before school started. I finished last night and today I went to turn it in to her and found out that I READ AND ANNOTATED THE WRONG BOOK. She still accepted it, but I was seriously on the verge of tears. Anyways, there are only 10 people in that AP class and I have a feeling that I will be the dumbest of them all. All of these kids are people that I've known since Elementary school and they have always been super smart and well educated and well rounded and then there's little me in the corner who's taking an AP class for the first time.
I'm super nervous about that class, but maybe I'll be okay.
Soon, I might add a new character... There's this boy that I've known for a while and he likes me and I actually kinda like him, too. The problem is that I'm shy and awkward and he's cute and popular. Why on Earth does he like me? I don't know.. But another problem is that he's a drug dealer.... Ha ha ha....
Anyways, he's a bad boy and I'm always attracted to those and I'll talk more about that later...
That's all that I'll type for today! Not much interesting has happened and I'm getting kind of lazy sooooo.... bye. :) xx