Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

August 31st, 2013

So, I've got to type this story out really quickly. Sorry for any mistakes in advance!
Yesterday, I got to see Mike. It was fucking wonderful. I was so nervous, I thought I was going to throw up everywhere. Here is the exact story. Since I can't really tell anyone else the story, I will feel a lot better writing it all on here!
Mila and I decided to hang out with Miley and her friends. We hung out awkwardly for about an hour and then invited Demi. When Demi got there, we all decided to go to the bowling alley. I didn't have money, so I just was going to watch them bowl. Before we started bowling, we decided to go back to Mila's house really fast to clean up because she needed to do that in order to stay out late. When we cleaned up, Demi got a text from Miley saying that Mike was coming to the bowling alley. I, of course, freaked. I got all pretty for him n shit. Then, we went back to the bowling alley and he was standing outside with Miley. When he opened the door for us, he said something about his heart beating really fast. I'm not used to guys getting all nervous around me and things like that. Especially not popular, really fucking hot guys. So, he decided that he wanted to bowl, too, and I was just going to watch, but he insisted on buying me and Demi a game so that us three could play together. God blessed me with bowling skills last night because I did incredibly well, while Mike on the other hand was only getting gutter balls. At one point, he was like "How the hell do you do that? What's your secret?" and then I told him to use the pink ball. The holes in the ball were too small for his fingers, but when he rolled it, he got a strike. That was hilarious. We talked most of the night and our friends were being wingmen for the both of us. I'm really awkward and shy and he's fucking outgoing and wild. He could talk to anyone and they'll automatically fall in love with him. Everyone loves Mike. And I really like him.
After bowling, we went back to Demi's house and sat around in her street. He sat next to me and we all told stories at like 2 am. Once it was time for us to leave, Mike hugged me bye and I started walking to the car and then he kept asking everyone if they had a marker and Demi was like "why?" and he said "So that she can write down her number." His phone was dead, so I couldn't put it in there, and I ended up just asking him to put his number in my phone. This morning I texted him good morning and we've been awkwardly texting all day.
We are complete opposites. We would make the strangest couple, but I like it. And I really really like him.
So that was my night last night, but I have to go now! I'll write about today tomorrow at some point and I'm hanging out with Mike and the rest of them tomorrow, too.