Sequel: A New Start

Diary Entries

March 28th, 2013

The only way to get my thoughts straight is to jot them down.
Right now I'm trying to figure out how I feel about the whole Lucy situation.
If Lucy hates me, what do I do?
I guess I'll just move on. What am I supposed to do? Why would she hate me?
I'll sit with my other friend, who I haven't made into a character yet. Maybe, hopefully, she will make room for me at the table! Or I could go to a teacher's room.
All I really am worried about is lunch time. This is the reason why I'm so anxious all the time.
But I shouldn't worry. Because I can always go to Mila's lunch, right?!
I can sit with Kevin whenever he's at school!
I shouldn't freak out about this so much.
I care a lot about Lucy, but what am I to do if she doesn't care about me anymore?
There's nothing I can do.
So I'll move on.
I'll make new friends.
I've got to remember that there's only about 2 more months now until I'm out of my grade and into the next and we can see what happens then.
I've always got my family! Hopefully, I'll always have Mila!
I've got to convince myself that it isn't that big of a deal.
I've got to learn to be okay with the fact that not everyone will like me.
I'm calm now and I wish to stay that way...