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Let The Flames Begin

I'm Sorry Too Nick

Sophia’s POV

“Hey, Kev?!” I shouted through the kitchen.

“Uhmm, can I still have my donut?!” I still tried to see if he was in the kitchen.

“Uhmm... Kevin had to go somewhere...” Nick said from the kitchen counter.

“Oh. Thanks. Well, when you see him tell him I still want my donut... if he, Joe or Frankie didn’t eat it yet,” I said as I was about to turn around and leave.

“Sure...” he said, focusing on the counter with all his might.

I nodded and started to walk away.

“—Sophie wait!” Nick called as I stood by the door way with my back turned to him.

“Can we please settle this?” he asked.

I stayed quiet.

“Look, I know what I said and I know I disappointed you, but please can’t we at least start over? I don’t want to fight or argue with you anymore... I just want... I just want to at least be friends.” he said.

I turned around.

“Nick, I don’t want to be friends. You know why? Because as soon as I get used to you guys being here and hanging out again like we used to, you’re gonna leave. Like last time, and I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to be friends. The first time we were friends I got hurt, really badly—and I’m not talking about the accident.” I said, now standing front of the counter where he was.

“Sophie, I know. Don’t you think it hurt me leaving you?! Don’t you think it hurt what you said the other night?! I got hurt just as much as you did,” he said.

“Nick, don’t even try to tick me off, because I will use my karate skills on you! How could you say that you were hurt as much as me?! You’re the one that BROKE the promise to begin with! Sure enough I said harsh things the other night, but I was only telling you the TRUTH and I wasn’t lying! Unlike you, you go and tell me you’re moving the day before you do! I didn’t even get a chance to say bye to the only friend who I could trust, the only person... I could talk to without being shy, nervous or s-scared! But what I will never forget is the stupid promise you made and didn’t even bother to keep! The one promise that meant the world to me! Do y-you want to know why?! Because my so called ‘b-best friend’ made it!” I said to him with nothing but hate in my eyes.

“Look... I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you,” Nick began to speak as he approached me.

“Sophie, you don’t how many times I wanted to call! I-I just couldn’t. I couldn’t call because I was scared! Scared you might hang up or not even answer the phone. I was scared that you hated me because of the... the accident. I’m just... sorry, for all the pain I made you go through,” and with that he walked off, up the stairs and into the room he was staying in.

“I’m sorry too Nick” I whispered to myself as I heard the door close upstairs.
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short i know but please comment if want longer chapters becuz i feel like no one reads these =[ comment please && i promise longer chapters. the more the comments, the longer the chapters