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Let The Flames Begin

Does She Have A Fever?

Sophia’s POV

After Joe’s rude wake up call, I went downstairs.

“Hey mommy, hi Aunt Denise,” I said to them.

“Hi sweetie, why were you still asleep?” mom asked.

“I don’t yesterday my head was killing me—” and before I could even finish my mom ran over and put her hand on my forehead.

“Does she have a fever?” Aunt Denise asked my mom.

“I think so, she’s a little warm. Sophie, I want you to go upstairs, get into your bed and stay there. Denise and I will come up in a second with chicken noodle soup, okay?” mom asked me.

“Mom I feel fine, and Joe just kicked me out of my room because I slept too much,” I said to her.

“Just go, before your fever gets worse,” she pushed me out the kitchen.____________________________________________________________________

“Geez, what’s up with kicking me out all the time?” I said to myself going up the stairs.

“Who keeps kicking you out?” Kevin asked.

“First Joe, then my mom. Are you going to kick me off the stairs?” I asked jokingly.

“Ha-ha no, but why and where did Joe kick you out from?”

“My room,” I answered like it was no big deal.

“Why?” he chuckled.

“Because I slept too much,” I said getting to my room and climbing into bed.

“And you’re going back to sleep?” a very confused Kevin asked.

“No you silly goose, my mom said I might catch a fever just because my head was slighty warm, so she sent me here,”

“Oh, weird.”


“Where’s Eric?”

“Oh, he left to college but he’s coming to visit tomorrow.” I said looking around the room. Something is missing, I can feel it.

“Oh, okay,” he answered. Then got up, said ‘bye’ and left.

“JOSEPH ADAM JONAS!!” I screamed, realizing what was missing.

“SOPHIA MARIE PEREZ, WHAT DID I DO NOW?!” he came screaming into my room.

“Give me back my iPhone,” I said, looking at him.

“What makes you think I have it?” Joe asked ‘innocently’.

“One, it’s sticking out of your pocket. Two, you were in here last. And three, you’re evil.”

“Fine, I’ll give it to you—only if you bring your hot friend over so I could meet her,” Joe said looking back at the Halloween picture.

“Eww, Joe I can’t believe what you just said about my best friend, but fine, I will just give me my phone.”

He gave it up and left. Pretty soon mom and Aunt Denise came into my room and started to make the fever go away.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know i havent updated in soo long but im sooo caught up w/ school that i forgot but please comment im completely blank && i have like no more ideas for the story please HELP!!!
**this was more of a filler && kinda suckish =/
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