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Let The Flames Begin

Crime and Punishment

Sophia’s POV

I cannot believe him. What in the world makes him think that I’m jealous of Miley.

I’m not jealous, but I am mad and confused on why Nick chose her over every single fan out there that would respect and love him more than she could. They did say they would date a fan, and I’m petty sure Nick’s fans are disappointed that he isn’t dating them and he’s dating her instead.

“Look, Sophia, I didn’t mean what I said. It slipped,” I heard Joe starting to apologize.

“Don’t worry Joe, I shouldn’t have exploded. I was just... ticked off at the fact that you would even think that.” I said looking up at him.

“I really am sorry. I promise I will never ask you a question like that again.”

“Pinky promise?” I asked holding up my small pinky compared to his.

“Pinky promise, now let’s go home so you can call up my wifey and tell her how good I look in the summer.” Joe pulled me up, I chuckled and playfully slapped his arm, and we walked back to my house.

11:56 pm

“Yeah, I remember that, I got a nose bleed and you broke your arm.” Joe said as we reminisced on memories from Jersey.

“Yeah, that was quite a summer,” I laughed.

We walked inside to find three worried parents, two worried brothers, and two younger brothers who are playing with race cars.

“Hey mommy...” Joe approached his parents with caution.

“Hola mami...(Hi mommy)” I said walking slowly.

“Where have you two been?! We were worried sick, thinking you two were lost or even worst, kidnapped.” Uncle Paul scolded us.

“We’re really sorry, but Joe and I were just having fun in Central Park. We didn’t mean to past curfew,” I tried to explain. My mom was now giving me ‘the look of disappointment’.

“Sorry doesn’t cover it, you both should’ve let us known you were going to be out late.” Aunt Denise replied.

“We know and please forgive us. It will never happen again.” Joe said, looking at me and then his parents then my mom.

“You are darn right it won’t happen again because both of you are grounded.” My mom said, then looking at Aunt Denise and Uncle Paul for approval. They nodded so it was official.

“What?!” Joe and I both said.

“That’s right, Joe no TV, dates, or going out for two weeks. And Sophia—” Uncle Paul said, soon interrupt by my mom.

“No phone, TV, and no going out for two weeks.” she finished for him.

“But what about Chris, what if he calls?” I saw Nicholas roll his eyes out the corner of my eye.

“Well then I guess Chris is going to wait two weeks.” my mom said and then our parents walked out of the room.

“I guess Leslie is gonna have to wait too,” I said to Joe in an upset tone.

“Damnit,” he punched a pillow on the couch.

I giggled, walked upstairs and practically did the same except I screamed into a pillow.

“She screams in her pillow, for a better tomorrow. She hates it, but she makes it, watch out for that girl. One day she may change the world,” Kevin sang as he walked into my room.

“Kev, I think you should’ve sung that song on the album.” I smiled at him.

“Why thank you, now why are you so upset, it’s just two weeks.” he said sitting on my computer chair.

“No Kevin, it’s not just two weeks. I miss Chris as it is and not talking to him will make me miss him even more.” I said, tears about fall from my eyes.

“Shhh, it’s okay. The two weeks will go by before you know it,” he said, comforting me.

“Kays, but I’m not promising that I won’t cry once in a while.”

“Okay, now I have to go and comfort the other half of this punished couple.” he walked out into his and Joe’s room.

”One day she may changed the world,” I sang to myself, got up and went to get ready for bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahh!! arent you happy i updated???!!
and this chapter isnt that short =D
please please leave love i have 208 readers and 33 subscribers!!
you peeps are awesome
soo leave lovee
i love you readers and subscribers soo mucho!!
thank you for inspiriation<33
PS. this chapter is dedicated to ILuvNickJonas44
thank you for showing me your latest chapter of your story before anyone =D