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Let The Flames Begin

Grounded for One Week

Nick’s POV

“Yeah, I love you too. Okay, bye Miley” I hung up and walked out of mine and Frankie’s room.

“Katie, can we meet up at Starbucks tomorrow?” I heard Kevin asking his girlfriend out.

“Okay, bye.”

“Kevin, can I talk to you?” I asked, walking into the living room.

“Of course little bro. What do you want to talk about?” he patted the seat next to him, but I sat across fro him.


“Why? What did you say this time?” Kevin has heard Miley and I argue so many times, but he always thinks I’m the one that started the argument.

“Nothing, I just feel this negative vibe coming from Sophia, heading towards Miley.”

The way Sophia looked at Miley; it was as if Miley had done something to her.

“Well, maybe you should talk to Sophie. Maybe she can explain it to you, or maybe something is bothering her and she needs someone to talk to.” Kevin always knew the right answer to anything, but this one was completely wrong.

“Kevin, are you nuts?! Last time I tried talking to her she told me to ‘leave her alone’. Do you know what she’s going to say the next time I talk to her?”

I cannot believe what Kevin suggested me to do.

Is he trying to get me killed or something?

“Look, Nick, the only way you and Sophie can become friends again is that if you try and break the ice.” Damnit, I hate to admit it, but Kevin was right. If she wasn’t going to make the first step, I had to.

“Dude, what if she doesn’t want to talk?” I was nervous that I might look like a fool talking to someone who isn’t answering back.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of that part.” Kevin walked away.


Joe’s POV

“This is a living nightmare! I cannot believe that for two damn weeks I can’t meet Leslie,” I was talking with Sophie.

We were both sitting on the floor of her room, stuffing our faces with potato chips.

“I know! I don’t even get to call Chris and let him know that I am grounded.” Sophie looked as if she was going to start to cry.

“I think we should negotiate with our parents.” I am such a genius.

“You know... that’s not a bad idea.”

We both cleaned up our mess and walked out of her room.

Time to talk to our parents.

“I just hope they don’t get mad and ground us for an even longer time,” Sophie said putting the chips away.

“Me too,”

We walked outside, on the terrace.

Our parents were talking and obviously having a good time eating steak.

“Mom, Aunt Denise, Uncle Paul, Joe and I would like to talk about our punishment.” Sophie said, grabbing their attention.

“Okay, what would you both like to talk about?” dad asked me and Sophia.

“We don’t think it’s fair that we are grounded for two weeks. Dad, we’re staying here for a month and I don’t think it’s fair that half of that month I have to spend it grounded.” I said looking from my dad to my mom, then back to my dad.

“Yeah, and Mom, dont you think it would be fair to at least let me call Chris to let him know that I am grounded?” Sophia asked her mom with a begging look.

“Kids, we know you are both upset but—” My mom started to say.

“But it’s not fair that my brothers can go out and have fun, while I am here, grounded.” I interrupted. I know I’m going to get a mouthful from my dad in a minute on why I shouldn’t interrupt my mom.

“Yeah, and Eric will be coming home soon for the summer tomorrow. I want to be able to hangout with Eliza before she leaves for Pennsylvania.” Sophie told her mom.

“Please? Can’t the punishment be lowered to one week? We know we broke a rule, but we only past curfew by...—” I didn’t know how late we were after curfew.

“Fifty minutes. At least we didn’t get home at midnight.” Sophia finished my sentence.

Our parents turned to eachother, discussing our proposition.

“Fine, one week, and yes Sophia, you can call Chris to let him know you are grounded, but it can’t take any longer than five minutes.” Aunt Angie explained.

“Now go on inside,” My mom told us.

We walked inside with smiles on our face.

“Way to go partner in crime,” I said to Sophie as I picked her up and spun her around as we did our victory dance.

This is how we dance when, when they try to take us down. This is how we’ll dance oh glory.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know i updated again!!
**gets up and dances our the computer chair!!**
okay so i have 220 readers and 38 subscribers!!
you are all AWESOME!!
but if i have THAT many readers && subscribers
dont you guys think i should be getting more comments?
thats i all ask
this story will be coming to an end soon
im not sure whether i should make a sequel or not
you guys decide!
i know that the reel jonas brothers dont curse and swear
but come on, its just a fic soo dont send hate mail D=
please leave love
and please read my other stories
once i finish ‘behind these hazel eyes’ i WILL be starting a joe jonas or kevin jonas fic
once again thank you guys soooo much
please leave lovee and inspiration <33
PS dudes!!! i have seven stars on this story!!! =D
thanks once again =) <33