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Let The Flames Begin



Sophia’s POV

“Goshers, I didn’t think it would suck this much!”

I was already bored, too bad we still have another six days to go.

“Yeah, hey, let’s find something to do for now!” Joe was a genius once again.

“Sures... So, what do you want to do?” I asked, looking around the room. Maybe if I look hard enough I will find something to do.

“Well, since we were gone a long time, why don’t you show me pictures from the past few years?” Joe suggested. My face lightened, then fell. That wasn’t a bad idea, although he doesn’t have pictures to show me...

He knew something was wrong, he knew exactly what was wrong.

“Don’t worry, mom and dad always carry around books filled with pictures. I also have a few one my phone,” Joe said, pulling me up from my bean bag chair.

“Kays, do you want me to show you pictures first or do you want to go first?” I asked, looking through my bookshelf.

“How about... we go get the books from my mom and then you show me your pictures first.”

“Kays, but you can’t laugh.” I warned.

“What?! That was the whole point of you going first.”

I looked at Joe surprised.

He sent me a smile.

“You know I’m kidding,” he said, pulling me in a hug.

“Yeah, you better be.” I said, pulling away.

Joe mocked my reaction and we both started to laugh.



“And that’s when Leslie, Chris, and me went to Florida for the summer,” I was showing Joe pictures of me and Leslie first. I knew he would want to see what she looks like without a nose and whiskers painted on her face.

“How long ago was this?” Joe was amazed by Leslie.

“Uhmm... two years ago? No, last year, because two years ago she was sent to Spain.”



“...This was at Chris’ New Years Eve Party last year,”

“Wow... how come Chris doesn’t come out in the pictures?” Joe looked puzzled.

“Well, he always tells us he’s ‘having a bad hair day’, so he takes the pictures instead.” I said, using air quotes.

Joe nodded, indicating me to continue with the slideshow.


“And this one is by South Beach on Staten Island.”

I loved taking those pictures. Chris told Leslie and me to pose, and the first pose that came to Leslie’s mind was that one.

“Wow, what did you guys go to Staten Island for?”

“Oh, well Leslie’s ex-boyfriend lives there and when we went she was going to visit him. That’s when they were still going out.” I still can’t believe what that jerk did to her.

“Oh, so she’s single as of now?” Joe’s curiosity was starting to get me.



“And, here, Chris was taking me upstate. I was going to meet his dad and his step mom. His older sister took picture, and when she said do something silly, Chris made that face.” I giggle at the memory every time.

“Wow, looks like he really makes you happy, doesn’t he?” Joe asked, I stopped the slideshow.

“Yeah, not only as a boyfriend, but as my best friend too.”

“Oh, okay, but if he hurts you—”

“—You’ll beat the crap out of him. I know, Eric, Kevin, and Frankie gave me that speech.”

Joe laughed at the thought of Frankie threatening my boyfriend.

“So... Are you going to show me your pictures?” I turned off the slideshow.

“Oh! Yeah, sure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
sooo peeps!!
i updated!!
srry it was more of a filler than i expected
sooo in this pic you see sophias bffl nd her bf
and the next chapter will have nothin but pics of JB!!
so you DONT want to miss that!
leave lovee<33
231 readers; 40 subscribers!!!
you guys rock!!!!!

stephany <33