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Let The Flames Begin

Welcome To Her Life

Nick’s POV

So today my brothers and I had to get dressed up because our parents said we were going to see “old friends” except they won’t mention who. So we’re all standing here, in front of some door, of someone’s house. Frankie was starting to get tired when some lady opened the door.

“Denise! Paul! Boys! It’s so good to see you all again after all this time!” some lady came over to all of us and gesturing for us to come in. “Please, come in. Like I always said ‘Mi casa is your casa’” she had said to us which made my parents laugh. I just couldn’t remember who this lady was and how she knew our parents.

Then Joe whispered “Hey this lady looks pretty hot for her age. I think she’s like mom or dad’s age or maybe younger.” and when Joe finished I just had to laugh at what he had said. He wasn’t here for more than ten minutes and already trying to hit on girls.

Then our parents told us who it was “Kevin, Joe, Nick, Frankie this is our old pal. Don’t you guys remember? Angelica...? Matthew’s wife...? Sophia’s mom...?” then it hit me. Sophia. One of the greatest people you could ever meet. One of the most talented girls I’ve ever met also.

I just stayed quiet while Joe look pretty much rejected because not only was she married but she was our old friend’s mom.

“Aunt Angie?” Kevin asked, going to hug her while I just looked at him confused, I didn’t know she was our aunt or even related to us.

“Kevin at least you remember!” Aunt Angie said.

“She’s our aunt?” Frankie asked really confused because not only doesn’t he remember her but he doesn’t remember Sophia either. Frankie was really little when we had to move and barely remembers anything, especially because we’re not in New Jersey anymore. As I see they had moved to New York City and looks like they’ve been here quite a while too.

“No Frankie, she’s not your aunt, but when Kevin, Joe, and Nick were little they used to call her Aunt Angie because she was always like family. And she still is,” mom said to him and then he nodded, letting them know he understood.

“But you’re more than welcome to calling me Aunt Angie if you like or you could just call me Angie but whatever you choose is fine.” Aunt Angie had said to Frankie but looking at my brothers and me, giving us all the same message.

“So...where’s Sophia?” I asked her.

“Oh, she must be done getting ready I’ll go and get right now. Excuse me and please make yourselves at home.” Aunt Angie said to all of us, so as she went upstairs to get Sophia, we started to look at all of the photos that were hung up on the wall. Some of Sophia, some of her parents, some of her brothers, and some of people I don’t know but in one picture she was standing on the ferry making a silly face at the camera with two other people.

“Sophia got pretty hot herself,” Joe said looking at the same picture I was.

“Joseph, respect Sophia, she is not a piece of meat.” my dad said to Joe with a hushed tone. “Sorry.” Joe whispered back and I just smiled to myself, agreeing with Joe’s comment.

Sophia’s POV

“ they are!” my mom said with so much enthusiasm. Then the “people” turned around, and I noticed exactly who it was. It was him, the one who caused me so much damage, the one who never kept his promise, the one who turned my life upside down, and the one whom I won’t forgive.


“Sophia!! Sophie wait, you didn’t let me finish!” Nick yelled to Sophia as he ran after her. Nick just finished telling her the great/bad news and she didn’t take really well.

“LEAVE ME ALONE! I DON’T WANT YOU TO FINISH! JUST LEAVE ALREADY!” Sophia screamed back at him just as she turned the corner and then BAM! A car struck Sophia but not as bad as you picture, she only broke her arm and got a few scratches on her faces, but besides that she was perfectly fine.

Nick couldn’t believe that happened before his eyes. Not only did Nick hate the car for running her over but he also hated himself, if I would’ve never chased her...this wouldn’t have happened. She would be perfectly fine. Nick thought to himself as he tried screaming for help, hoping it wouldn’t be too late.

About 20 minutes later an ambulance came to pick up Sophia. Nick gave them all the details they needed, but he didn’t want to go in the ambulance, he didn’t want Sophia to wake up and start blaming him for doing that to her. He had already blamed himself enough. The paramedics insisted for him to come and Nick gave up. Once they got to the hospital, the paramedics called Sophia’s parents and they got there within seconds, worried about what happened, wondering how it happened, and wondering who ran over her and just left her there with Nick. Nick. He was as scared and terrified as ever. He couldn’t be there anymore. Sophia’s parents wanted to ask if he saw anything, but seeing he was shaking and very traumatized, they didn’t want to make it worse than it already is, so they didn’t bother.

Nick’s parents got there once Matt and Angie called them, also informing them Nick was there. They rushed over there as fast as they could, not only worried of what happened to Sophia but worried about Nick, wondering if he was okay from seeing his best friend in the hospital. After that accident nothing was the same between Sophia and Nick, and Nick feared it might never be the same.

***Flashback Over***

“...Sophia!! Oh how much you’ve grown!” Aunt Denise said to me as I approached them.

“Hey! Aunt Denise! How have you been!” I said to her as I ran up to her to give her a hug.

“ still call me that! I’m so happy to see again!” she replied as we were hugging and out of the corner of my eye I could see Joe nudging Nick. I wonder why? Maybe it’s because Joe is just being his fun-loving self.

“Uncle Paul! I missed everybody so much! I’m so glad you guys are here!” I said to Uncle Paul as I was letting go from Aunt Denise to go hug him.

“Little Sophie has grown into Miss Sophia hasn’t she?” he asked jokingly as I hugged him. Once I was done hugging him I looked at the boys.

“Oh so now I have coodies? Is that why you guys won’t hug me?” I asked spreading my arms open to give them a hug as I heard Aunt Denise, Uncle Paul, and my mom let out a chuckle for what I said.

“Of course not!” Joe said loudly as he went first to hug me. I just giggled and hugged him back.

Then Kevin went to hug me and to say hi and then Frankie looked at me and I bent down to his size, “You don’t remember me do you Frankie?” I asked him softly.

“I’m sorry but no...but you’re pretty so I’ll give you a hug anyway!” he said as he ran up and hugged me as if he hadn’t seen me in centuries, I just laughed softly at what he said.

Ignoring Nick I said “Well if anybody needs me I will be upstairs in my room. Nice to see you again!” and with that I left waving good-bye and taking out my cell phone to call Chris to tell him who came over. I got to room and collapsed on my bed. Chris didn’t answer, so I’m guessing he was busy doing something else. I hit play on my iHome, and my favorite song by Simple Plan, Welcome To My Life, was playing and I began to sing.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room with the radio on turned up so loud so
that no one hears you screaming

no you don't know what its like when nothing feels alright
no you don't know what its like to be like me to be hurt to
to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down
you feel like you've been pushed around to be
on the edge of breaking down and no one's there
to save you no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?
are you sick of feeling so left out?
are you desperate to find something more before your life is over?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
with the big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside your bleeding

no you don't know what its like when nothing feels alright
no you don't know what its like me to be hurt to
to feel lost to be left out in the darkto be kicked when you're downy
ou feel like you've been pushed around to be
on the edge of breaking down and no one's there
to save you no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

no one ever lied straight to your face
and no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be ok
everybody always gave you what you wanted
never had to work it was always there

you don't know what its like, what its like
to be hurt to feel lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when your down you feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down and no one's there to save you
no you don't know what its like

to be hurt to be lost to be left out in the dark
to be kicked when you're down you feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down and no one's there to save you
no you don't know what its like welcome to my life.
welcome to my life,welcome to my life

I finished the song and I heard someone clap and say “You still seem to amaze me with that voice, and now it’s gotten better”, I turned around and saw Joe, standing at the door.

“Hey you, come...sit.” I said gesturing him to sit.

“What are you doing?” I asked him as he sat down, but he just looked towards the ground.

“Were you spying on me? Making sure I wasn’t planning to kill someone? Making sure I didn’t sneak out?” I asked him while he looked up at me with his caramel brown eyes.

“No, my original plan was to come up and talk to you, to catch up on things. Then I heard you singing and I smiled to myself knowing you never gave up on singing. And it’s true, your voice has gotten better, your mom told all of us how you entered talent shows just to sing in public and I’m glad you do but I still want--no, need to talk to you.” he said finally answering my question.

“About...?” I asked going to turn off my iHome.

“Nick.” he answered, too bad I didn’t want to talk about Nick, so I just looked towards the ground, out of the corner of my eye I saw Joe nod, knowing I didn’t want to talk about him. It hurt too much.
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hey guys thanks for reading but im srry i havent been updating. ive been kinda busy but please read, enjoy && subscribe C: THANKXXX!!--stephany