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Let The Flames Begin

DAY UNO- Part 2

Joe’s POV

Sophie was putting away the pictures she had finished showing me.

It was now my turn to show pictures.

I guess when you’re grounded you don’t notice how desperate you look when you’re just sitting around, looking at pictures.

“Joe, hurry! I want to see your pictures already!”

Sophie’s impatience was showing. When Sophie gets impatient, you do NOT want mess with her. I guess it’s a gene she received from her brother. Eric once told me that their grandfather, from their mom’s side, was very impatient. He knows he’s impatient, but Sophie... She’s in denial.

“I’m going, I’m going!” I answered, getting my pictures in order. I didn't want to show her a picture from two years ago, then pop up with a picture from yesterday.

Mom always said it was good to have photo album on the road, in case someone wants to look at memories.

Sophia chuckled, “You know, if I wanted to see pictures of you guys, I could just look some up on Photobucket.”

“Ha, Ha. I’m dying of laughter.” I mocked, but soon started to laugh for real.

“I know, I’m hysterical.”


“Okay, so this first one is from about... two years ago. Kevin said I wasn’t sitting still and he got tired of it. So he wrapped me up in tape.”

“Aww, that so mean, but yet funny.” Sophie giggled.


“That was our very first photo shoot,”

I saw the look on Sophie’s face, it was a mix of so many emotions.




But the one that stood out the most was sadness.

I knew she was sad that we had to leave her behind.

She is also probably sad that Nick didn’t keep his promise.

“You okay?” I asked quietly.

“Yeah... I’m fine. You guys look so young,” she finally cracked a smile.

“Do you still want to see pictures?” I didn’t want her to get sad anymore.

“Are you kidding?! Of course I do!” she smiled brightly.


“This one is from the—”

“Oh em gee! I saw that commercial, well more like music video.” Sophia interrupted, I laughed.

“Did you like it?”

“Of course! Kevin and the little toy guitar, that was classic.” she laughed.

“Yeah, it took us a few shots to film that part,” I said, pointing to the picture of my dad about to throw us Frankie.

She laughed again, “it doesn’t looks that hard.”

I was now laughing with her.

“Well, it was. Good thing Frankie doesn’t weigh a thing,”

Sophia’s giggle is what I missed the most.

Both her laugh and giggle we’re memorable.

You can’t forget it.

She’s always had the contagious type of laugh. The one that you can hear miles and miles away, but not because she’s loud but because it can make others smile and laugh with her.

After a while, we continued with the pictures.


“Okay, this one is from our first time visiting TRL.”

I remember that day like the back of my palm.

It was the best day ever.

“I completely missed it! I was going to watch it, but then my stupid performing arts teacher made me stay after school to help some girl with her lines for the play.” Sophie’s expression changed. It went from happy to disappointed.

“Aw, don’t worry about it. We’re scheduled to go again this November, maybe you’ll catch it then.”
♠ ♠ ♠
you guys commented!!!
thank you sooooo much!!!!
but please dont stop commenting
i only put 4 pics of them becuz i only had 4 pics of 'sophia'
OH! nd bout the pic of selena wit 'a boyfrend'
i bet you guys alredy know,
but thats her cousin Brandon
thats not her real boyfrend =)
++4 comments please
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you guys are awesome!!!
p.s. srry if the chapter sucked =/