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Let The Flames Begin

Thank You Kevin

Kevin’s POV

I was going to try and convince Sophie to talk to Nick. She was always a tough cookie to crack, so it might take a while.

I walked into her room and saw her reading.

What a book worm.

I sat next to her and started reading over her shoulder without her noticing.

I was reading over her shoulder for about two chapters until she finally noticed me sitting there.

“What... Are you doing in my room!”

She startled me and I jumped from my spot on her bed.

“I just wanted to talk to you, but you were too busy reading.” I responded.

She nodded and put her book away.

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” she asked.

I took a deep breath, I knew how she was going to react to the topic I was going to say.

“Nick and you not speaking.”

She slowly looked away, I knew she was either on the verge of tears or ready to kick me out of her room.


I knew it.

“Come on Sophie, hear me out.”

She stayed quiet and I just continued with my plan.

“I know both of you went through... stuff back in Jersey. The only way to fix that stuff is to talk. Both of you need a long talk and I think that long talk needs to happen now.”

She kept her silence. I didn’t think she would say anything back, so I continued once again.

“I know you told him to stay away and to leave you alone, but you have to admit that you need Nick. He has been your best friend since that day Joe pushed you into the mud and instead of crying you kicked him in the shin. Nick started to laugh at Joe and he asked if you needed any help cleaning from the mud. You accepted and ever since then you both became inseparable.

“You can’t deny it, Sophie. You will never be able to let go of the friendship you both have. Right now it doesn’t matter what happened in the past. You know he didn’t mean to tell you at the last minute. He tried to build up the courage, but he just couldn’t break your heart that way. He tried to spend as much time with you as possible, but you had so many things to do. It was the end of summer and you were getting ready to start the eighth grade. Everyone was busy at that time. You can’t blame him for trying though.”

I finished my lecture and looked at Sophie. She was indeed crying.

“Sophie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry, it’s just, both of you are being stubborn. You both needed a push.”

She shook her head, “I’m not crying because of everything you’re telling me. I’m crying because you’re right. I know I’ve been harsh with him, but what do you expect? I was hurt and I’m not talking about the accident. That wasn’t Nick’s fault, it was my fault for not watching where I was going. I’m talking about my heart. He never tried to call or talk to me in any way possible. And he can’t say he didn’t have time because both you and Joe spoke every now and then with Eric. He didn’t try and that’s what hurts the most.”

I nodded, she was right. Nick didn’t try, but she doesn’t know why he didn’t try. And that’s where I move on to the next stage in my plan.

“You should, scratch that, need to talk to him. He can explain everything, more than what I explain right now.”

She looked at me with glassy eyes, she was about to cry once again. I hated seeing her cry. Sophie’s like the little sister I’ve always wanted. I always wanted a little sister to protect and to hold when something was wrong or when someone hurt her. She was that little sister to me, but I couldn’t cradle her and protect her this time. She had to face Nick and open up to him like she used to.

“Sophie, I’m sorry, but you have to. Both you and Nick need a long talk with one another.”

She nodded slowly, “I will, when the time is right though. And right now, it’s not the right time. You have to understand me Kevin. I need time to be able to take a step that far.”

I nodded, “That’s all I ask.”

She finally smiled, “You’re the best big brother from another mother, you know that?”

I grinned, “So I’ve been told.”

She laughed, “Thanks, Kevin.”

I nodded, “Anytime Sophie. Now I gotta get going, I’ve been trying to talk to Katie and right now I’m going to meet up with her. I’ll see you later and pinky promise you will try and talk soon.”

She held up her pinky and laced it with mine, “I promise and good luck with Katie.”

I smiled, “Thanks, now, bye.”

I gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked out of her room.

Well, that went well.

Nick’s POV

I saw Kevin walk out of Sophie’s room with a smile on his face.

I’m guessing things went well with her.

I looked at him with a hopeful expression and he gave me a thumbs up.

“She said to her time and she’ll try and talk, but right now is not the right time.”

I nodded, that’s all I could ask for.

“Thanks man, I owe you.” I said, hugging him.

“Don’t worry about it, you’re my little brother. I’m glad I could help. Now, I better be going, Katie is probably waiting for me.”

I nodded and he walked out of the house.

I saw Eric and Joe playing Guitar Hero III and decided to sit on the couch and watch them play.

Joe was getting beat, very badly too. I chuckled at his attempt to try and get a perfect solo.

“Don’t laugh because you’re not that much of a Guitar Hero yourself, Nick.”

I heard Joe and I just ignored him.

I saw Sophie walking down the stairs and smiled once she saw Joe and Eric playing Guitar Hero.

“Ooh, I play winner!” she exclaimed.

“This isn’t a Princess Peach game, Sophie.” Joe said and I knew what was coming next.

Sophie was just as competitive as me. And that is saying a lot.

“Excuse me?!”

“You’re excused,” said Joe as he kept playing.

I held my laughter, he was stepping into a lion’s cage with no protection.

“Well, I bet I could play better than you with a blindfold on.”

“Ooh, she called you out, Joe.”

Sophie had the biggest smirk known to man kind on her face.

“Sounds like a challenge,” Joe said as he pressed pause on the game.

“Damn straight,” she said, crossing her arms.

“Fine, you’re on,”

She held up a finger as to say ‘Wait a second.’

“I play on expert,” she smirked once more.

Joe’s face, now that was priceless. Joe can play Guitar Hero, but only on Easy.


Eric took off his guitar controller and handed it to Sophie. Soon, he walked away and came back with a blindfold.

Once Sophie was done strapping on the controller, Eric tied the blindfold on her. Joe went to check it was tight enough and it was, so they started to play.

I cheered Sophie on throughout the whole game. At the end of their third song, she pulled her blindfold up a bit, turned around, and smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

Remind me to thank Kevin later.

Sophie ended up winning and once the last song ended, she pulled off her blindfold, took off the guitar, and started to do her victory dance.

“Yep, that’s just the way I roll!” she sang.

I laughed, it was nice to know she listened to our music.

Sophie sat down next to me as she reached for popcorn from the bowl that was on my lap.

“Thanks for cheering for me,” she said once everyone was out of the room.

“You deserved it, you were amazing,” I said truthfully.

She grinned, “Why thank you, Mr. Jonas.”

I chuckled and sat there eating popcorn and watching TV with my best friend.

Thank you Kevin.
♠ ♠ ♠
i had fun writing this chapter
so i decided to keep going
thanks to those readers who commented :)
i think this chapter was good :)
but do you think its too soon for their friendship or for sophie to forgive him already?
i dont know, its the readers choice
so tell me what you think
comment/subscribe/and banners make me smile :)
honestly, tell me what you think of this chapter
should sophie forgive nick already?
and who do you want to read more of?
more niley chapters?
might make the next chapter about kevin & his gf, katie
thinking about breaking them up
who wants to be kevins gf? ;D
anyways, enough rambling xD
p.s. this chapter is 1425 words :D