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Let The Flames Begin

The Truth Is Hiding In Your Eyes

Sophie‘s POV

Once we entered my room, I pulled my computer chair out and sat down.

“Come on Sophie, ignore her.” I heard Leslie say, but I was too focused on why I couldn’t accept her. I’ve accepted many of Nick’s girlfriends before, what’s so different now?

I just shook my head, “I know, but whatever. What do you both wanna do, besides flirt shamelessly.”

Joe blushed while Leslie giggled, that’s why she was my best friend. She wasn’t the shy one, that was my role.

“Can we play twenty questions?” Leslie asked, looking at both Joe and myself.

I shrugged, “Sure, objections Joseph?”

“Nah, I’m cool.” He said and sat down on my bed.

“Kay, we’ll go around clockwise, meaning I go first then Joe and Sophie, you go last.” Joe and I nodded, so she continued to explain, “We each get twenty questions, so keep track. And last, but not least, we have to answer truthfully. Questions?”

She looked at Joe, who shook his head ‘no’. Then she turned around and look at me, “Nope,”

“Kay, Since there’s two of you, you each get ten questions from me. Same thing for all of us.”

“You got it dude,” I laughed and let her start the game.

“Joe, if today was your last day, what outrageous stunt would you do?” she asked, looking at Joe.

Joe tapped his finger on his, “I think I’d bungee jump of the Brooklyn Bridge.”

“Nice, your turn.” She said with a smile.

And then Joe turned towards me to ask his question. This should be fun, I hope.

Kevin’s POV

“So then I talked to her and she said she was going to talk to him about it all when the time is right.” I said to Eric and Eliza as we drank coffee.

“Ahh, that’s good, at least she’s gonna do it.” Eric said and then took a sip out of his cup.

“I think what’s holding her back is Miley. If Miley wasn’t so… hostile? Towards Nick or just a bit less clingy, I think Sophie would be able to talk to him.” Eliza spoke while gesturing to the magazine that had Nick and Miley on the cover.

I nodded, “But what are we going to say to her? Hey, can you kinda back of Nick until Sophie talks to him?” I asked and pulled the magazine towards me and looked at the picture.

It was recent, that I was sure of. And it was also here, but I just don’t know when or where exactly this was.

I remember Nick hanging out with Miley during the first week we were here, but he didn’t tell us that paparazzi had caught them together.

“I don’t know, maybe we can set them up. They are kinda talking again. Maybe we can get everyone out of the house and leave them alone. Let them sort things out and hopefully when we get back, things will be a lot smoother.” Eric suggested.

“You know… That’s not a bad idea,” Eliza agreed,

I grinned, “Well, then I guess we have a plan.”

Nick’s POV

I had my arm around Miley as we watched The Notebook. It was her idea.

I looked down and saw her head on my shoulder, she was sound asleep.

I had to go to the bathroom really badly, but I didn’t want to wake her up.

I gently laid her across the couch and made my way upstairs to go to the bathroom.

I passed by Sophie’s slightly open door. It wasn’t really eavesdropping since I only walked by, but the second I heard Joe asked Sophie a question, I took a few steps back and listened intently.

“Hmmm, Sophie,” Joe started,

“Yes,” she answered, sounding a bit impatient.

“Is it true that when we were younger you had a small crush on Nick?”

My eyes went wide, did Joe really just ask her that?!

“Yes, yes it is. But that was when we were like ten years old, I had a crush on half the boys in school also.”

I could believe my ears, why didn’t she tell me?!

At that age, it might have made things a bit more awkward, but it would’ve changed things. I would’ve told her about us moving a bit earlier, knowing that maybe it would hurt her that we were leaving.

I quickly walked into the bathroom and did my business. When I looked into the mirror, I didn’t like what I saw. I looked extremely tired, which I am, but I didn’t know why it looked that bad.

I decided to check my blood sugar, just to be safe and make sure that nothing was wrong.

I needed sugar and decided to get some. I got out of the bathroom to find Sophie leaning against the wall. I’m guessing she was waiting to use the bathroom.

“Finally, were you checking your sugar? Because you kind of look a bit off.” Sophie said, dancing in her step, which meant she had to go.

“Yeah, it’s a bit low. Do you have any cookies?”

She nodded, “I’ll show you in a sec. Just let me…”

I chuckled, “Okay.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ugh, im starting to hate myself, i kinda rushed this chapter out because i didnt wanna break another promise
anywho, please comment ? i dont ask for many this time, i dont deserve many
but +3 comments would make me happy (:
tell me what you, the readers, wanna read
w/ school & such, i can only update on weekends, but im gonna try this new system
where i write the chapter up little by little on my sidekick
& come saturday or sunday ill edit it on my computer & post it (:
sound good ?
well, please forgive me for this filler i call a chapter :/
but i guess its kinda important in a way, what do you think kevin, eliza & eric are planning ?
let me stop rambling, Comment/Subscribe/& Banners are welcome <3
-stephh (:
PS whos watching the VMAs tonight ? :D -raises hand- i am !