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Let The Flames Begin

Your Lovin' Teddy Bear

Sophie's POV

"So, what are you guys doing up there?" I heard Nick ask from the
kitchen counter as I looked for any type of sugary goodness for Nick.

"Nothing, just playing twenty questions. It's pretty interesting, but we
can't repeat anything said during the game."

Nick nodded, "Sounds fun, Miley fell asleep halfway through the movie.
So, now, I've got nothing to do."

I found a box of Chocolate Chip Poptarts and decided to take out two.

"Well, you could wake her up. Or, we could call up Kevin and them to see
if they're coming soon because I am starving." I answered, putting both
Poptarts in the toaster.

"I'm up for calling them, my stomach is complaining," he grinned.

I smiled, "Mkays, here you go." I handed him his Poptart and took one
for myself.


I nodded and took out my phone.

Eric picked up on the third ring, "Hello?"

"Dude, we're starving, where are you guys?"

"Oh, our bad. We're on our way, we'll pick up pizza."

"Kay, you know my usual," I turned to Nick with a questioning look.

"Kevin also knows what we like."

I nodded, "Nick said Kevin knows."

"Yeah, he does, so we'll be home in about a half hour."

I rolled my eyes at the fact that they won't be coming home sooner,
"Fine, bye Eric."


Joe's POV

I sat there awkwardly with Leslie as we waited for Sophie to come back
from the bathroom.

"What in world is she doing in there?!" Leslie sighed impatiently.

I chuckled, "Maybe she was interrupted."

She nodded, "Probably, so Joe, tell me about yourself. Besides the fact
that you and your brothers are in the music business."

"Well, I'm pretty normal, I guess. Music is my life, but I would've also
been happy with going to normal school and doing what other kids my age
are doing."

She chuckled, "Most kids at your age are out drinking and using fake

"Oh, well, I'd also go out and try a comedy act. I've always wanted to
be a comedian, so, I would really like to experience that." I laughed.

She smiled, "Aw, well that's awesome."

"Yeah, so tell me about you, like what's your last name?" I chuckled.

"Oh, ha ha! My last name is Delano. And well, I'm gonna be a sophomore
in school in September. And, yeah, that's kinda it." She chuckled.

I nodded, "So, how long have you and Sophie been friends?"

"Since she moved to New York. She was a new student in my class and I
decided to welcome her and it turned out that we had a lot in common.
And we hit things off from there."

"That's cool, so it was not really planned to become best friends?"

She shook her head 'no', "I don't open up to people as much, but Sophie
just had this type of personality that made me want to stick around. She
has a friendly vibe and that's the reason we became extremely close."

I smiled genuinely, "How nice and yeah, she does. That's one of the
reasons her and Nick we're best friends."

Leslie grinned, "Guess she has that effect on everyone."

Nick's POV

Once I finished my Poptart, Sophie made sure I checked my sugar again. I
saw that it was in balance and I gave her a smile.

"Told you it was fine,"

"Yeah, it better be." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I heard shuffling in the living room and figured that Miley had woken

"Nicky?" I heard Miley call from the living room.

"Uhmm, I'm gonna go check on her..." I said quietly.

Sophie's face dropped slightly, "Yeah, I gotta get back to the game
anyways, so I'll... uhmm, talk to you later, I guess."

I felt bad now, I just dropped my best friend—well, we're building it
up again, but it still counts—for my girlfriend.

I walked back into the living room, "What's wrong baby?"

"Where were you?" she asked as I sat back down next to her.

"I had to use the bathroom and then I checked my sugar. And it was a bit
low, so I asked Sophie if she had any cookies or something to even out
my sugar level."

Miley looked a bit uncomfortable, "Oh, well, couldn't you look for them

I was taken back by her question, "No Miles, it's not my house. I can't
just walk around and act like it's mine and eat whatever I want. My
parents raised me better than that."

She rolled her eyes, "Nicky, I didn't mean that way, I'm just saying,
it's not a crime to walk in the kitchen and just grab anything that
could help your sugar level."

I got up from my spot next to her, "No Miley, I'm not like that. I would
feel very rude if I just went through their food as if it was my own."

"Fine Nick," she put her hands up in defense. "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "I think it's time for you to leave, Miley."

She looked at me in shock, "Are you serious? Nick, I didn't mean to
upset you."

"I know, but still, I think we should call it a night."

"Okay," she also stood up and I walked her to the door.

"Goodnight Miley,"

"Night Nick," she leaned for a kiss, but I turned my face and she
planted one on my cheek.

I looked down at my shoes and kept my silence.

After a minute or two, Miley sighed and walked away.

I closed the door, what a great way to end the night.

Sophie's POV

I walked back up to my room. I opened the door to find Joe and Leslie
sitting in front of each other, giggling and talking.

I smiled at the sight of my two best friends getting along very

"There you are! You had us worried sick, young lady. You are ground for
ten minutes." Joe said, hands on his hips, trying to seem serious when
he really just wants to break out with laughter.

"Aww man," I snapped my fingers. "Then what do I do now for ten

"Well, little missy, you go sit in that corner, facing the wall for
those ten minutes."

Leslie couldn't hold her laughter anymore, so she stood up and walked
out of my room.

Seconds later we heard Leslie laughing up a storm in the hallway.

I looked at Joe with an innocent smile, "Still grounded?"

Joe kept his serious face, "Yes, now go."

I frowned, "Meany Head."

I heard Joe chuckled when I sat in the corner, facing the wall.

The door opened and as soon as I went to see who it was, Joe stopped

"Ah, ah, ah, that's a no-no, Sophie." Joe spoke to me as if I was five
years old.

"Cannot wait 'til these ten minutes are over." I mumbled.

"If you keep talking, and breaking the rules, it'll become twenty
minutes." Joe teased.

I decided to keep my mouth shut, I didn't want to sit in this corner for
a longer amount of time.

I grinned to myself and began to sing like Michelle from Full House,
"This is no fun, no fun, looking at the wall."



I heard both Joe and Leslie say at the same time.

"Come on Joe! Let her come back!" I heard Leslie beg Joe.

"Mmm, fine, Sophie," I turned around with an innocent look on my face.
"Punishment over."

I played along and picked up my stuffed teddy bear and threw it at Joe,
"Time to play!!"

Both Joe and Leslie laughed, "No, time for bed."

"Time to eat some pizza?"

Joe gave me a look, "What do you think?"

"I think it's time for bed," I giggled and stopped the act. "Okay,
really, I think we should go check if they're back with the pizza."

Leslie chuckled, "Aww, I wanted to play the role of Joey."

I laughed, "Only if I get to be Michelle."

"I call Uncle Jesse!" Joe raised his hand and shouted.

We all laughed at our childish ways, tonight seemed like it was going to
be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
): i only got 1 comment
i guess i deserved it because the chapter was very sucky & a filler
but please comment more, i posted this a day early
im giving you guys til Monday to give me at least 3 comments
please ? i ask nicely (:
soo, this is not as much of a filler, the next chapter is definitely gonna be kevin, eric, & eliza’s plan in action
soo, Comment/Subscribe/Banners = <3
-stephh (:
PS im thinking about re-writing chapter 24, its messy &i have a new plan for Baileigh Johnson
soo, you readers okay w/ that ? [: