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Let The Flames Begin

Something's Wrong

Joe’s POV

After Sophie leaving the room, her mom started talking to my parents, about what’s happened so far, about Damien and Sophie growing up, and about why they chose to move here.

“Uhmm...Aunt Angie, did Sophia ever stop singing?” Nick asked quietly as if he was...scared?

“No, she has never stop singing. She always loved to sing in front of crowds. That’s one of the reasons we moved here, to see if New York City would help her dream come true. She always wanted to be a famous singer. If not a singer she always wanted to be an actress. She entered every talent show in school as many times as they let her just to win and let everybody hear her voice.” Aunt Angie responded as she showed us some of her trophies, from singing, playing soccer, and skateboarding.

That’s the one thing I didn’t think Sophie would do, skateboard. I tried learning but I just never got it right, Kevin did better than me.

I saw Nick smile out of the corner of my eye when he heard that she loved to sing and never gave up on it. Ever since the accident, Nick was never the same. The first few months we left to California he avoided the “Sophia Subject” and never liked to talk about her. I didn’t know why, neither did Kevin so we just let him cool off. After a while Nick and Miley started to date and it seemed as if Sophia was never in his life, it seemed as if nothing ever happened in New Jersey. They’re still dating, but I just wish it was Sophia instead of Miley sometimes. I don’t mean to be rude towards Miley but she has made the relationship so obvious and sometimes it’s like she does it on purpose, but that’s another situation.

I got bored of sitting here, listening my parents talk with Aunt Angie, so I left upstairs and started to wonder off. It was pretty quiet until I heard Simple Plan blasting through a door and I knew it was Sophie. Even when we were younger she did that, when something was bothering her or if she had something on her mind, she would blast music until she just fell asleep, and I think I know what’s bothering her. The same thing that bothered Nick for a long time, she likes Nick. Or maybe she used to like Nick before. Maybe it’s what happened before we left. All I know is that she’s not okay and something’s wrong.

So, I opened the door slowly and quietly, so I could at least see what she was doing without stopping her. Before I knew it she started to sing with her eyes closed, like she always did when something was wrong. I waited for the song to end, and when it did all I could was clap. Then I said “You still seem to amaze me with that voice, and now it’s gotten better”. Then she turned around and just looked at me and told me to sit and we began to talk, and for the first time I realized how amazing one girl could be after no contact for a few years. I wanted to know why she didn’t hug Nick or anything, but I already knew the answer. I just wanted to make sure it was true, though I’m pretty sure I am.

Sophia’s POV

“What about him?” I asked Joe, still looking at the floor.

“Well to begin with, why didn’t you at least say hi to him?” he asked lifting my chin with his right hand. Don’t try and think we’re about to kiss because that’s so wrong on so many levels. Yeah Joe is hot but I don’t like him like that. Him, Kevin, and Eric, my big brother were best friends and I think they still are, but with the whole famous situation they lost touch. So, I see Joe as another big brother just like I see Kevin like a big brother too.

“’Cause,” I answered him, looking around the room, avoiding his eyes.

“Sophie, ‘’cause’ is not an answer, please tell me, tell me if anything is wrong and you can’t say nothing’s wrong because you have a sign of something being wrong. We might have been across the country for a long time but I still remember a lot of things. Just please tell me, you getting me really worried.” Joe said to me, I had to admit, something was wrong, but I didn’t have to tell him what is wrong. I could just tell him some other thing is wrong.

“You really want to know, don’t you?” I asked him, finally looking into his eyes.

He nodded and I said “It’s because...Christian ” and he interrupted “ Who?” and I continued “Christian is my...boyfriend since 8th grade and he’s not all that happy because I had to stay home and cancel on him again.”.

Then he nodded and said “Sophie that doesn’t answer why you didn’t say anything to Nick,”.

I looked down and said “I don’t know...I just...I couldn’t say anything to him no! I had nothing to say to him! Yeah I know it was your one in a million chance for fame but still...Nick didn’t tell me until the day BEFORE you guys were moving. I couldn’t handle it, I couldn’t even bare to be in the same room. Joe, I’m sorry if you think that isn’t a good reason but to me it’s the truth. The last day, before me running off, he said...


“Okay, now Sophie, I just wanna say that I will write to you everyday and I promise I will call everyday too,” Nick started to explain to Sophia, who was getting confused by the word.

“Okaayy but I don’t see why you called me into your backyard when you could’ve told me this over the phone.” Sophia said as she sat on the closest chair from where she was standing.

“Because, Sophia it’s not that simple. It kinda hurts me deep inside to tell you know how Kevin, Joe, and I came out with a debut album called It’s About Time?” Sophia nodded so that he would continue.

“Well an even greater offer came along, and it was from Hollywood Records,” and hearing that Sophia jumped and started cheering for him, for the major success that was coming towards him.

“That’s great! I can’t wait to buy your next album! Oh my gosh, what are you guys gonna name it? When will you guys begin to write for it and "

Sophie, what I’m trying to say that we’re moving” Nick said but said the last part he said quietly so she won’t hear it.

“You’re what?” Sophia asked, moving her hair that was over her ears thinking it was her that didn’t hear right.

“Sophie I said we’re...moving,” Nick finally said,

“Oh, well that’s okay as long as it’s still here in New Jersey,” Sophia said getting up about to go home.

“No,” Nick said getting up as well, and getting a hold of her, “that’s not what I meant. I mean we’re moving to Hollywood but please understand Sophie, it’s a once in a lifetime chance for the band and please don’t be mad!” Nick said while Sophia just stared at him in disbelief, and once he finished she ran off.

***Flashback Over***

and that’s why I ignored him” I finished telling Joe.
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okay ppl yes it is very short but please understand its my first story ever && im srry if i dont update everyday day =[ but please comment i feel like my story sucks && bigtime soo tell me if i should change anything or add anything C:
i could be good, she could be bad, we could be this && that, she's my alter ego...<--still clique girlz && plus i LOVE this song!--stephany