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Let The Flames Begin

Sophie's Done

Nick’s POV

I couldn’t believe she was still mad about the whole situation. I mean it wasn’t my fault, it was amazing opportunity we had to take advantage of. I also couldn’t believe how pretty she got from the last time I saw her. When I last saw her she had a missing tooth and looked so young, but now she is all developed and has a perfect smile. No I can’t think of her that way; one she hates me, two she has a boyfriend or at least that’s who her mom said was in the ferry picture on the wall, and three I have a girlfriend whom I’m very happy with.

After listening to my parents talk with Sophia’s mom I got pretty tired and put my head down. Soon enough Joe got up and started walking up the stairs, probably to go see Sophia or something. Frankie was too busy playing and hanging out with Damien, and Kevin was talking on the phone with his girlfriend, Katie. I couldn’t stand sitting there wondering what Joe and Sophia are talking about upstairs.

The second my parents and Sophia’s mom stopped talking I heard her say “Will you guys be staying a while?” and my mom answered,

“Yes, we will be staying here a while because the boys have a month off before recording their new album, but we will be staying at a hotel for—”

“Non sense! The kids and I would just love it if you guys stayed over. I insist!” Aunt Angie said to my mom. Both my mom and Aunt Angie agreed that we would be staying which meant I would be spending a whole month with Sophia ignoring me like today.

After eating dinner Aunt Angie showed us all where we were staying. Kevin and Joe were sharing the room next to Eric’s old room and Frankie and me were sharing the room across the hall from Sophie.

We had left earlier to get our things. We all said goodnight and I went to brush my teeth. Then I heard the door open and I knew it was Sophie. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said 9:57 PM so I’m guessing she’s early. Frankie was still awake telling Joe and Kevin what him and Damien did and why they got in trouble for it. Apparently they snuck into Eric’s room and started to mess with his things.

Joe saw that I was staring out the window a lot and he said “Hey Nick, you okay?”.

I just nodded and said “Fine, don’t worry about it.”, all he did was nod.

After hearing Sophia’s door close and I heard footsteps on the stairs I was guessing that she was getting some late snack or something. I really needed to straighten things out with her so I went down stairs too.

I was peeking into the kitchen to see what she was doing. All I saw was that she was staring out the window. I wanted to say something seeing the milk level was going too high but I didn’t want to scare her, so I said nothing.

Then the milk poured out and she said “Oh sh—” and before she swore I said,

“Sophia, Frankie is still awake,” and she turned around and looked at me. I barely saw her before but even if she was wearing pajamas she still looked beautiful.

“Thanks for the news. Now if you excuse me I’m going to drink my milk in my room.” she was about to leave, but I couldn’t let her—not again.

“Sophia, wait. Can’t we at least—” I started to say, but she turned around and interrupted.

“Talk? Is that what you wanna do? Fine. Nick let’s ‘talk’,” she said using air quotes when she said talk. She continued, “because the last time we ‘talked’ my heart was broken in millions of little pieces. So now are you gonna do it again? Are you gonna say something that will make me want again? Make me want to wish I was some place else? Well no, I don’t want to talk. I just want to erase all the damage you left done and never tried to fix. You could have fixed it by AT LEAST trying to make any contact with me. You could have also fixed it by starting it with an apology, by at least saying you were sorry for breaking your ONE promise I thought you would keep. Nick, I waited for this day to come, for me to see you face to face and let you know all the damage you left behind. And now, that I have you right here I just wanna say...I’m done! I’m done with waiting, crying every night thinking my best friend would come back! But he never did, and now I never want you to. So just leave me you did the first time.” she said to me as I just tried think of something to say but when she said to leave her alone I knew I had to back off.

I just hope one day she understands that I didn’t want to leave her alone. I wasn’t forced to either. After her telling me off, I couldn’t help but let one tear fall and slide down my cheek. Sophie had changed.
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okay soo im not reely getting alot of comments && if ppl like reading this story please at least comment to tell me that =]

sooo...++2 comments for the next chapter =]

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