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Let The Flames Begin

In The Morning

Sophia’s POV

I ran up the stairs with my glass of milk in one hand, while the other wiped off the tears that were falling freely. I couldn’t believe him! Why would he get the idea of leaving for the past few years, without making any contact what so ever, appearing in my house, and now trying to talk to me. I just hope his heart is as broken as mine was when he left.

I was drinking my milk and watching the flat screen television in my room. It was 10:08 PM and my favorite TV show was on. CSI: Miami.

As I was watching CSI: Miami, I couldn’t help but think about Nick and what I said to him. “Was I too harsh? Did I over do the yelling? Did it hit him deep?” those were the questions that were running through my mind. I didn’t want to sound bratty or mean, I was just telling him the truth.

I was starting to wonder off in my own world until I heard someone knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I called out from my bed. Being very lazy I didn’t get up once to get the door.

They just knocked again, and it was starting to aggravate me. So, I got up from my very comfy spot on my bed and lazily opened the door.

“Yes?” I opened to see Joe standing by the door frame.

“I heard what you and Nick were talking about, well mostly you, but still, are you okay?” Joe asked me.

“Yes, yes I am. Now would you like to join me and my milk-drinking-cookie-eating-CSI: Miami-watching-fest or would you like to stand outside?” I asked him trying to hold in my laughter.

“I would love to, but I can’t. I have to stay with Frankie, I promised him.” he said to me with sorry eyes.

“Oh...okay. Well see you tomorrow!” I said smiling.

“Goodnight Sophie,” Joe said almost leaving.

“Nighty-night Joey!” I said with a baby voice. Then I heard him laugh softly and I closed my door, going back to my “fest”.___________________________________________________________________

The next day I woke up to Frankie and Joe jumping on my bed like maniacs.

“Ugh...guys at least let me wake up the right way and at least let me finish my dream that I was just in!” I screamed at them. What I can I say I hate to be woken up by screaming, jumping or just plain talking. My mom always wakes me up gently.

“Sorry Sophie, it’s just that your mom and my mom were going on some early shopping. My dad and Kevin went to check out stuff having to do with our up coming tour. So that leaves you, Frankie, Nick, and me here all alone” Joe explained to me.

“But why me? Why couldn’t you wake him up like this?” I asked kind of annoyed, I’m not a morning person.

“We already woke him up and that left you.” Frankie told me, jumping off my bed.

“Oh...” I answered getting up from my bed to take a shower so I could get ready to say bye to Chris.

“Where are you going?” Joe asked as I walked towards the bathroom, with both of them on my tail.

“To take my morning shower....Why?” I asked suspiciously.

“Well...Nick is in the bathroom brushing his teeth right now.” Joe said as he leaned against the wall.

“Well...I’ll just wait then.” I said sitting on the floor against the wall.

About ten minutes later I got really annoyed. Who brushes the teeth for so long?

“Ugh! Why is he taking so long? I swear Joe if your little brother is talking on the phone or...shaving his legs with my razor, I will kill him.” I told Joe, getting even more aggravated then I was before.

“Well, I’m not really sure what he’s doing in there. Although I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t shaving his legs.” Joe chuckled.

Seconds later, Nick walks out with a big smile on his face. One thing I noticed. He took a shower.

“There, bathroom is all yours.” Nick told me as he walked out.
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&#9829; stephany