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Let The Flames Begin

I Guess This Is Goodbye

Sophia’s POV

“Hold it pretty boy. Everyone knew I was leaving early today to say goodbye to Chris, and everyone knew I was going to get ready this morning first. Now, couldn’t you wait ‘til I left for you to take a shower? Ugh! Now I have a rushed schedule, thanks!” I told him as I leaned against the door frame.

“Really? Well, now that I’m done, you can go in. Can’t you?” he asked me.

“Well knowing you were in there I can’t,” I said as he looked at me confused.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because. You were in there. I’m taking a shower in the downstairs bathroom.” I said coldly, then turned around and walked down the stairs, heading towards the bathroom.___________________________________________________________________

After taking a quick shower, I ran upstairs in my robe, hoping it wasn’t too late.

I got into my room, closed the door and locked it, then started to look for an outfit.




Then I decided to just straighten my hair out and tease it. I put on the usual eye liner, mascara, and lip gloss.

I started to walk out the door but I forgot my phone. After getting my phone I dialed Chris, hoping he didn’t leave yet.

**Ring, Ring, Ring** S=Sophia C=Chris


S=hey! chris please tell me you didn’t leave yet?

C=no. sophie, where are you?

S=i’m sorry. someone held me up and i’m on my way to your house.

C=it’s okay, don’t worry i’m not leaving for another half-hour.

S=oh! that’s great! i at least get to say bye the right way.

C=wait! you’re not coming to the airport?

S=baby, i wish i could, but my mom went out shopping and my dad isn’t here yet from his trip.

C= yeah, but what if my parents drop you off? it’s not like you live miles from here.

S=okay, i’ll call my mom and tell her. meanwhile open the door, i’m here.



Chris opened the door once we hung up.

“Hey!” he said, then gave me a peck on the lips.

“Hey...” I said to him as I looked down. I couldn’t tell him not to go because his grandparents need him, but I love him too much to even let go.

“C’mon, at least look at me.” Chris said lifting my chin with his right hand.

“I’m sorry. It’s just... I don’t know. It hurts, but I will for you.” I said looking straight into his eyes.

“So... you wanna say hi to my parents before we leave?” Chris asked, as I walked into his house.

“Uhm... sure, but let me call my mom about the whole ride thing.” I said. He nodded so I walked off into the hall.

**Ring, Ring, Ring** S=Sophia A=Angie (Sophia’s Mom)



A=yeah. what’s wrong sweetie?

S=nothing mom. i’m just saying bye to chris before he leaves. remember?

A=oh yeah. tell him i said to have a nice trip.

S=okay mom, but can i ask you something?


S=okay. since you’re not here can i go with chris all the way to the airport and then ask if his parents could drop me off at the house?

A=sophie... you can’t just ask people.

S=but mom chris offered.

A=fine, but behave.

S=okay mom! love you.

A=love you too sweetie.

“She said yes!” I said to Chris walking into the living room.

“That’s great! So did my parents.” he said approaching me.___________________________________________________________________

“I guess this is goodbye.” Chris said as he stood in front of me at the airport.

“Yeah...but you’ll call right?!” I said starting to panic.

“Sophie, calmate (calm down). I will call everyday and I will email you from my cousin’s computer, okay?” He said getting a hold of me.

“Okay...I love you.” I said giving him a last hug.

“I love you more.” he said hugging back.

After pulling apart he gave me a last kiss.

His flight was called and he had to leave.

“Don’t worry okay? I love you more than ever and I promise I won’t let you down.” he said as we pulled apart once again.

“I trust you and I love you too.” I gave him a last peck and soon he was walking towards the terminal after saying his goodbyes to his parents.

As he walked away he turned around and mouthed ‘I love you’ one last time. I did the same and soon he was out of sight.___________________________________________________________________

“I know you miss him, but Sophie, don’t keep yourself from having fun!” Joe said to me I sat on the couch.

“Joe, you don’t get it. Chris is really important to me. We have never been away from each other for so long. As a matter of fact, we’ve never have been away from each other for more than two weeks. It just...hurts.” I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen to get a pop tart.

“Okay. Fine, but at least be a little cheerful.” he said as I took out the pop tart.

“Fine. Do You want one?” I asked, offering him a pop tart.

He took it and Frankie, Joe, and I went to sit and watch TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for commenting peeps =]

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&#9829; stephany