Status: Tudor Era


Edward's Birth

"He didn't always resent me, you know," I mummbled, "I believe at one moment he truely loved me, and Elizabeth. I fear once he begins to see my characteristics in her, he will banish her to one of his many castles far off from England. I do not wish that life for the rightful heir to the throne."
My ghostly form stood in the door frame of the bed chamber I had once shared with Henry. The heavy wool curtains had been pulled aside early in the morning to illuminate the dark interior. Clean linens sat upon the edge of the bed, just waiting to be made, and long since washed of my skin and scent. A night stand stood off to the left, new since my departure, and covered with cloth, a water basin, and jewelry.
One year had past since I was exicuted for Henry to take a new bride that could bare him a son. Elizabeth was four.
This room returned many bad memories. I tucked a loose strand of translucent black hair behind my ear and turned away from the bed chamber door to follow a long underground path up to a brightly lit corridor teaming with servants, ladies-in-waiting, and guards. Many ladies scurried off to the left and several men followed. An ache in my heart told me what the commotion was. I followed in persuit to the queen's quarters, once mine. The women were ushered in by a nurse, but the men stood patient in the halls. Screams of agony burst from behind the closed doors and a new wail of agony escaped a tiny voice. Suddenly all ment where bowing. I turned to see the man I had once loved, and called mine, who had turned and killed me.
"Your majesty," Several whispered. Henery had gained weight and lost the glow he once had as a young man, but inside I saw a fire still burned bright in him, the fire I had fallen for. Henry began towards the doors and threw them open. Two nurse immediately drew him in with gleeful cheers of congratulations. I took several steps into the room and caught sight of her. She lay in my bed. The bed which I had given birth to and convieved Elizabeth in, the bed that belonged to a rightful queen. Henry stood in the silence at her; eyes shut, sweat pouring down her face, blood covering the bottom of her sleeping gown, and her chest rising quickly searching for her breath. A nurse quickly wet a cloth and wiped her face before covering her up with layers of sheets.
"Congratulations your majesty," An older nurse picked up a tiny gray sheet and handed it to Henry. I made a brisk walk to his side. An infant lay in his arms, brown tuffs of hair lay matted on his head and brown eyes stared into me. Henry looked to the nurse for reassurance.
"A male heir, your highness," She proclaimed. My heart dropped. A son. All Henry had ever wanted, that I could never give to him. Henry smiled and kissed the infants forehead.
"Edward, my son shall be named Edward." He hollored in joy. While pain gripped me like a chain, I smiled, for I knew what was yet to come of Henry's good fortune.