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Lil' Sis

Chapter 2

Lizzie's POV
About an hour later, four people were sitting in the parlor. I was upstairs in one of the guestrooms. Stefan thought it would be a good idea for me to stay upstairs until right before they tell them, something about they could hurt me. I'm a 145 year old vampire for Christ sakes, what are they going to do bore me to death with their teenage drama. I don't think so, but just finding your sister is alive can make you a little overprotective, I guess.

"Lizzie, come down here." I hear Damon say. As I walk down the stairs I hear 3 heartbeats so I figure one of them is a vamp. When they see me I can see some of them trying to figure out who I am. But, only one of them is brave enough to ask.

"Who are you?" The blonde girl asks.

"I like you. You say what you think, instead of being polite." I say to the girl, "I'm Lizzie." I say to everyone.

"Everyone, this is Elizabeth." Stefan says to everyone as I glare at him Stefan is the only one who can get away, with calling me by me real name. "Lizzie, this is Alaric, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline." He says to me while pointing to each person.

The boy, Jeremy asks, "So how do you guys know each other?"

"She's our little sister." Damon says.

"Wait, sister. How come you've never mentioned this before?" Bonnie asks Stefan and Damon.

"Because I went missing the day they were turned, which is actually the day I was turned. Anyway, I didn't want anyone to know I was alive." I say like it's obvious.

Alaric says, "Elizabeth"- but I cut him off by grabbing his throat. Suddenly I feel a popping sensation in my brain, it doesn't really hurt but it's really annoying. So I turn around and I see Bonnie staring at me. She's a witch I think.

"Let me guess. Your last name is Bennet. I should have known there would be a Bennet witch in Mystic Falls. Tell me, how is Shelia she helped me out in the 70s." I say.

"She's dead." Bonnie replies coldly.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. I liked her." I say with genuine sincerity. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Damon running towards me. I smile knowing I'm stronger than him, and before he collides with me I hit him once with my free hand sending him flying through the wall. "I'm only going to say this once. No one is to every call me Elizabeth. If anyone does I will not hesitate to rip out your heart." I say to everyone. "Alaric, I'll let you off this once." I say while letting him go.

"How are you stronger than me and able to resist Bonnie's voodoo?" Damon asks.

"You really don't remember Damon?" I ask, with his nod I continue, "Well, I was really hoping for help with telling this story, but I guess I have to do by myself. My mother was a kind and caring person, but like everyone she had her flaws. Her biggest was more than anything she was afraid of not being beautiful. So before she had children, she got a witch to cast a spell on her. It would keep her beautiful till the day she died. But after the witch cast the spell she told my mother the consequences. Don't get me wrong my mother knew there would be consequences; she just didn't know who bad they'd be. The witch told her she would have 3 children, two boys and a girl, all equally good looking and all doomed from the second they were born. Of course my mother didn't believe her. So the witch told my mother this: her oldest child would be a boy with bright blue eyes, and a devious mind. Her second child would also be a boy, and he would have green eyes that cared too much and was very noble. Her last child would be a girl, who had blue-gray eyes with flecks of green in them and she would have a devious mind, but care too much. She said the daughter would be a combination of her brothers. My mother thought nothing more of this until Damon was born, even as an infant Damon mind was devious. So my mother went back to the witch and begged her to take the spell back. But magic does not work that way. So my mother was sent to hope and pray that the witch had been wrong, but she wasn't. When I was turned, I had no idea how to deal with this so I went to the witch, she was getting ready to leave, the Founder's council had just killed Emily and she knew she was next. But she managed to tell me that since I'm a combination of my brothers it would make since that I would have double their strength, double their speed, and double their thirst. After this I helped her escape, and in thanks she cast two spells on me. The first was to make sure no witchcraft could ever hurt me. And the second one gives me the power to recompell a compelled person.

"What does the second spell mean?" Elena asks.

"Well, let's say if a vampire compels a human not to invite me in. I can overrule them so to speak and compel the homeowner to let me in." I reply. Suddenly we all hear the door open, and we a see a high school boy walk in.

"I have a message for the Salvatore brothers, from Katherine. She says, hi and watch your back. Now you can feed off me." He says offering his neck.

"Katherine is back in town?" I ask and everyone nods. "Well, then what is your name?" I ask the boy walking up to him.

"Dylan. Stefan and Damon are supposed to kill me." He says. I hear Damon start walking towards the boy and I hold up a hand to stop him.

"Well, Dylan they don't want to kill you, but you can do something for me." I say while looking deep into his brown eyes, "I want you to give Katherine a message back, I want you to tell her Elizabeth Salvatore is back in town, and she wants her revenge. Then I want you to forget this every happened." I say sending him off.

"What do want revenge for?" Stefan asks.

"You really don't know do you?" I ask and then continue, "Katherine killed me the day you were turned and she was taken. I found out she was fooling around with both of you and that she'd break one or both of your hearts." I say to Stefan and Damon, "but I didn't know what she was. And when she asked me what I was going to do to stop her I told her I was going to tell father. And with that she compelled me to dive off the falls, but it didn't work ‘cause father had been putting vervain in my food since the animal attacks started. So she decided it be fun to feed me her blood, and then cut my throat. Personally, I wished she would have pushed me off the falls because anything would have been less painful than waiting ten minutes to die while you bled out and can't breathe." I say while walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asks.

"I'm going to follow Dylan; he is going to lead me straight to Katherine." I say as I turn once again.

"And what exactly do you plan to do when you get there?" Damon asks.

"I'll plan to kill the bitch, who killed me. But I don't think I'll kill her right away I'm thinking I'll torture her awhile first." I say walking out the door.