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Lil' Sis

Chapter 5

Caroline's POV
After Lizzie leaves, some part of me wants to go find her and see what vampires really do. But then I think back she never called her food human, (though I know that's who she meant), she called them food. I'm curious, about if she even cares. I could go find her, but I want to know before I go looking for her. So I ask the next best things, her brothers. "Guys, does she even care about humans, or does she just think of them as food?"

"She cares it's just easier to think of humans as food, especially since she has my guilt. You know I wasn't always on my diet, when I embraced my vampire side I couldn't stand the pain and guilt so I wrote down all of my victims' names." Stefan says.

"Then why does she keep drinking live?" I ask, I mean if she feels so guilty then why not stop and drink from blood bags. But I know it's not that simple. This time Damon answers me.

"A couple reasons: 1 you know what it's like the smell of blood or even the sound of it pumping through someone's veins, its mesmerizing, 2 I don't know if bagged blood will fill her up, I mean I'd rather her be full with fresh blood in her system than be hungry and a nice human guy walks by. And I don't even know if a whole blood bank would satisfy her. 3-"Stefan cut him off

"Why wouldn't she be satisfied?"

"Stef, were you even paying attention at all during her speech this morning, before Katherine's play thing interrupted or were you to amazed by Elena's hair to listen. Lizzie said she had double our strength, double our speed, and double our thirst." Damon said, and then continued with earlier sentence, "3 she probably doesn't want off of fresh blood."

"But why wouldn't she want off? I mean, I know how good it is, but still." I say, still perplexed.

"It's not just the taste of it; sure the warm, pumping sweetness is a great plus. But it's also about the chase, hunting our prey, as long as it is human, is exciting not to mention the feeling of power it gives you. Plus after a while, you can become addicted to it especially if you feed during sex, and if I know my sister, she does. I mean she has Stefan's willpower, but she also has her own traits that make temptation that much harder to resist. You don't know this cause you've never experienced it, one day you'll know what I'm talking about." Damon replies. Then I know what I want to do, I'm going to go find Lizzie. Quickly the boarding house, once I'm outside I let my vampire side out. I hear cars going down the road a mile away and birds flying in the sky. I smell humans hiking in the west, and the flowers in the forest, and a faint vampire scent mixed with old blood. I start running, following the scent, when suddenly I hear a footstep behind. I get ready to attack, when I hear.

"I was wondering, when you'd show up."

I turn around relieved, "Lizzie, shit you scared me. You were expecting me?"

"Yep, I could see it in your eyes when I said I fed live, but didn't kill my victims. You were intrigued. I'm going to guess you're only a few weeks old, and you've only killed once maybe during the transformation then you went to blood bags." She said. I knew I should correct her about when I killed the guy, but I didn't feel like telling her I changed on blood bags.

"That's pretty much, what happened. Stefan tried to get me to go on his bunny diet, but I couldn't bring myself to harm the helpless little bunnies." After I said it she burst out laughing, I didn't know why she was laughing it wasn't all that funny.

After she calmed down a bit she said, "Let me get this straight, you couldn't harm bunnies, but you're ok with me drinking live."

"Yea, I mean I remember being bitten when I was human, it was incredible. I mean at that moment I didn't care if I died because it felt so god damned good. I don't think the bunnies can feel pleasure." I said thinking about what it was like when Damon bit me.

"Who bit you?" She says, although I had a feeling she already knew.

"Damon, we slept together earlier this year."

"Figures, he always had a soft spot for blondes." She says, but I confused because Katherine wasn't a blonde. As if she read the confusion on my face she said, "Katherine is the only brunette he went for. When we were human he always went for blondes or red heads. The only other brunette he goes for is Elena." She spit Elena's name out like it was poison, I didn't understand why.

"Why don't you like Elena?" I asked because everyone likes Elena.

"Ask me about it later. I have to teach you some things, first." She says, but then adds. "If that's ok with you, I'd like to take you under my wing and show how to live like a real vampire while still keeping your humanity."

"Sure." I said. As she started walking away, I asked her, "Where are we going?"

"Alexandria. I know a store that will have everything we'll need." She said, as she began running.

1 Hour later
We suddenly stopped in front of a large building. Inside the building there are marble floors and off white wall, I didn't see anything special about it, until I saw everything else. There were racks of clothes everywhere, on the back wall there were hundreds of pairs of shoes, and to my right there were display cases of jewelry. "What is this place?" I asked.

"It's like a designer supermarket, everything in here is real. They have Alice + Olivia, Oscar de la Renta, Chanel, Christian Dior, Prada and my personal favorite Alexander McQueen, plus a ton more." Lizzie said excited.

"So what do we need?"

"We each need an outfit to go to a club." She said.

"Why do we need designer clothes? I mean don't get me wrong It's not that I don't want an outfit from here; because I do but to get an entire outfit here will cost a lot of money. Money I don't have." I ask.

"One, don't worry about the money-"She stops when I raise my eyebrows, "Caroline, I won't compel to get the clothes, I could but at the moment I'm too weak to compel at the moment. I wouldn't work effectively, so I'm going to pay. You'd be surprised at how much money you can acquire in 145 years. Two, we're going to a club that a lot of rich college boys go to. So we need to look hot and be wearing designer clothes."

"Ok." I say excited to start looking, as Lizzie leads me to where blonde and brunette girls in uniforms are standing.

"Hi, can we do anything for you?" They asked.

"Yes, my friend and I are planning to go out tonight and we need an outfit." Lizzie replied.

"Ok, what is your budget?"

"We don't have one. You can charge this." She said bringing out a Visa card.

Taking the card the blonde said, "Awesome, I love it when people don't have budgets."

"Does that happen a lot?" I ask.

"Not as much as you would think." She replied, "Oh… by the way my name is Melissa and this is Erin." She said pointing to the brunette.

"What are your names?" Erin asked.

"My name is Lizzie and this Caroline." Lizzie said.

"Well, follow us." Melissa said. They led us to a seating area and started asking questions about what we wanted, what size are we. As soon as, we answered all their questions they left to look for the things we wanted.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Lizzie?" I asked Lizzie, curious.

"Yes, why?"

"Tell me about him." I say.

"Well, he is older than me-"I interrupt her.

"Is he human?" I ask hoping he is, but I've a good idea he isn't.

"No, he's a vampire. Why? Wait, is your boyfriend human or were you just curious?" She asks.

"My boyfriend is human. We started dating before I was turned. I need advice. I was going to ask Stefan, but…" I say trailing off.

"Ok, what I'm about to say to you will sound really harsh, but just listen to everything I'm about to say before you interrupt. You should break up with him-"I start to interrupt her, but she gives me a warning look, "Look, do you care about him?" I nod, "Caroline, have you told him what you are? Does he even know that vampires exist?" I look at her defeated, "Care, I wish I could say go ahead, but if you do tell him he could go blabbing to other people. In any other town than Mystic Falls, he'd be would be considered crazy, but with the counsel… they'd hunt us down. It would be a repeat of what happened in 1864, and you don't want that to happen. Last time around a lot of innocent people died, I died." She says with a sad voice. I decide not to think about what I'm going to do about Matt, right know. So I ask her to continue where she left off, about her boyfriend.

"Well, when I said he was older I meant way older. His name is Liam, and he is Australian except it wasn't called that when he was alive. He was about 20 when he was turned and has blonde hair and blue eyes so light sometimes they look grey. When he smiles, my heart melts. Liam has an older brother that was turned with him, who I love like one." She says with a smile, I can tell he makes her happy.

"So when do I meet him?" I ask genuinely curious, wanting to meet the man who makes her so happy.

"He should be in Mystic Falls in two days." She says excitedly. We continue talking about random things until Melissa and Erin come back with stuff. We try on several outfits until we find the perfect one. I decide on a pale pink Alice + Olivia one shoulder dress, Alexander McQueen tan bejeweled heels, gold earrings that kind of look like leaves, and a light tan clutch. I pull my hair into a loose bun leaving a few tendrils hanging. Lizzie picked out an Alexander McQueen leather dress, light teal peep toes, light teal clutch, and a hinged ring. Her straight chestnut brown hair was left down. Once we were ready, Melissa called a cab for us.
Lizzie's POV
As the cab driver pulled out in front of the old fire station turned club, I could tell Caroline was nervous. "Hey Care, we don't have to feed if you don't want to. We can just party."

"No, it's ok. I want to its just that I'm nervous. Plus you need to feed, what would Liam and your brothers say if I kept you from feeding." She says laughing slightly. "By the way, you look a lot older than 16."

"When I was human, I looked older than I was. Plus with makeup I can look like I'm 20... Well, unless you want to wait in the line, you'll have to compel the bouncer to let us in." I tell her, we start walking toward the bouncer. Once Caroline compels the guy, we're let in. I see Caroline's eyes go straight to a blonde, green eyed hottie, sitting at the bar. "Well, I see you've already found your guy. Go on, Care, get him to buy you a drink." I say, pushing her a little.

"I can't go over there, by myself. What if he doesn't like me?" She says, and I can tell she is freaking out. "Plus, I have a boyfriend."

"Caroline," I say forcing her to look at me, "You look so hot, there is no way in hell he wouldn't buy you a drink. Two, all you're doing is flirting with him and then feeding off him. Look at me, I have a boyfriend who is super hot and whom I love very much, and I'm thinking of going over there and talking your guy's friend." I say looking over to the guy sitting next to Blondie, he has light brown eyes along with really dark black hair, "Come on." I say pulling her along with me towards the bar. "Hi." I say to the guys, they turn to us and immediately Blondie's eyes go straight to Caroline, and I can feel the other guy's eyes checking me out.

"What are your names?" Blondie asks.

"My name is Caroline, and this is Lizzie." She says pointing to me, "What're yours?" She says flirtatiously.

"I'm Robert," Blondie says.

"And I'm Adam." My guy says. "Can we buy you two lovely ladies a drink?"

"Of course, I'll have a screwdriver easy on the orange juice." I reply with a smile taking a step towards him. His hands automatically go to my waist.

"I'll have the same thing." Caroline says, I look over to her and see Robert's arm around her back pulling her to his side. Once the boys get our drinks, we head over to a table, where Caroline and I continue flirting. "Lizzie lets go." She says way to fast and soft for the humans to hear.

"There are a couple rooms upstairs, we can use those. Follow my lead." I say just as fast and soft. Caroline and I stand up and I whisper, "When I say so, compel them not to be afraid." She just nods in response.

"Where are you girls going?" Robert asks.

"We wanted to continue this, in private." Caroline says, "You boys coming?" They shot up so quickly, I couldn't help, but chuckle. Caroline was waiting for something, and I realized she didn't know where to go. "This way." We walk towards some stairs, when the guys ask.

"Where are we going?"

"The old firefighters' quarters." That seemed to satisfy them, when we got to the top of the stairs I nodded to Caroline.

"Don't be afraid." She said as she compelled them.
Caroline's POV

We led Robert and Adam to the back of the quarters, so if someone decided to come up here they wouldn't see us. "Watch me." Lizzie said. She walked up to Adam and slowly started sucking on his neck, when he started moaning she bit down quicker than a human would be able to see. Lizzie reminded me of a Cobra, beautiful and deadly. She took several deep gulps, before letting go and quickly bit her wrist and put it to Adam's mouth.

"Feel better?" I ask.

"Much. Are you ready?" I nod, and she walks to Robert, and lightly traces a vein in his neck while saying, "If you hit this vein, just right you can control the blood flow, without making a mess. I want you to take 2 gulps and then stop. Go ahead." I walk towards Robert and bite down quickly and I almost moan at how good it tastes, I suddenly am being pulled away. I growl at whoever is pushing me away, when I realize it's Lizzie I stop and then I realize my dress is splattered with blood.

"Give him your blood. NOW." Lizzie orders me, and I do as I'm told, "Both of you go straight home, if anyone asks about the blood tell them you spilled red wine on your shirt, and forget this ever happened." She compels them.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, you did well. Robert will be fine, in the morning he'll think got so trashed he passed out. Plus, when I was your age, nothing would stop me from feeding. Caroline you were going to attack me, but you stopped when you realized it was me. I would have attacked my brothers, nothing would have stopped me." She said, "Come on, let's get out of here." I call a cab to pick up at the back entrance.

"Can we go back to the boarding house? I don't feel like facing my mom." I ask, not wanting to have to sneak in to my own house. Lizzie just nods her head in response. I give the cab driver the address, once Lizzie compels him not to notice the blood on my dress.

2 hours later
It's almost 1:30 in the morning when we finally pull up in the drive way to the boarding house and Lizzie just throws a wad of cash at him. Walking up to the door I hear Elena's voice. Great, I think, just what I needed. As if sensing my discomfort Lizzie says, "We don't have to go in there."

"No, I need to do this. Elena needs to accept who I am, what I am." I say.

"Hey, you did nothing wrong tonight. In fact, you did a lot better than I hoped."She says.

"Thanks." I open the door and go inside followed closely by Lizzie. Stefan jumps up when he smells the blood, asking immediately.

"Are you guys alright?"

"We're fine, big brother."

Then Elena decides to step in asking, "Then why is there blood on your dress, Caroline?"

"They went hunting, Elena. I mean look at their clothes, plus the blood. I was expecting it after Caroline went looking for Lizzie." Damon says while drinking his bourbon.

"No, Caroline. You wouldn't?" When I didn't say anything, she looked up and said, "Those were people, Caroline. Human beings that you killed."

"We didn't say anything about killing them, Elena." Lizzie said, "Like I told my brothers, I haven't killed anyone in a couple decades. Caroline needs to learn the good and the bad about being a vampire. She doesn't need to listen to a bunch of humans. In fact, I'm getting a little tired of your attitude, Elena and I've only been here a day. You are so against vampires killing humans, but what about humans killing humans. Did you know that more people are killed by humans than vampires? Just ask my brothers." She pauses and looks at the confusion on Elena's face, and continues, "You two didn't tell her how you two died; let me guess she didn't ask. Elena, Stefan and Damon weren't killed by a vampire, but by a bullet. Do you know who shot them? Our father." I gasp how a parent could do that to their children, "He shot his own sons, for sympathizing with vampires, well 1 vampire in particular. So don't tell me that I'm a monster. Elena, just go home before I do something I won't regret." She says and then turns to me. "You can use the shower in my room I'll go up in the attic in see if I find you something to wear."
Stefan's POV
I go up into the attic and find Lizzie going through boxes of clothes from the seventies. "Hey, what happened just now?" I ask her.

"Stefan, it has been a long day. I don't want to talk about it." The desperation in her voice makes me leave it alone.

"I'm sorry." I say, coming and sitting beside her.

"What for Stefan?" She acts genuinely curious like she doesn't know.

"For falling in love with Katherine, not looking for you after we were turned, letting you leave earlier today without a fight." I say, leaning my head on her shoulder, I whisper, "I missed you so much."

She stops looking through the boxes, and turns to me; her eyes filled with unshed tears and says, "I missed you too." Some tears finally making to her cheek, I hate seeing my beautiful little sister cry. So I do what I do best. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest, letting her cry.

"I'll never leave you again, I promise." I whisper into her hair. After a couple minutes just staying like that, she pulls away and says she has to give Caroline the clothes she found.

Before she leaves, she turns around and says, "I never blamed you Stefan. I never blamed either of you, I was mad for a couple of decades; until someone made me realize that you can't help who you fall in love with. I love you, big brother." I wanted to know who made her realize that you can't help who you fall in love with; having a feeling she wasn't saying everything. But when I looked up she was already gone.

"I love you too, lil' sis." I whisper.
The Next Day
Damon's POV

This morning, Lizzie woke up early and took Caroline home saying she had things to do. Right now I was standing outside the Grill with Sheriff Forbes and Stefan when suddenly a white Maserati Gran Turismo MC Stradale pulls up. I wonder who it could because 1 that is a nice car, 2 it cost a ton of money, more than anyone in Mystic Falls can afford. Suddenly, Lizzie steps out and I should of known the only person who could afforded that is Stefan and I and that's only cause we've lived so long. Since Lizzie, has lived as long as us, she should be pretty rich on her own. When Lizzie finally reaches us, I say, "Lizzie, I want you to meet someone. Lizzie this is Sheriff Forbes" I say pointing to Liz.
Stefan interrupts me and finishes, saying.

"Sheriff Forbes, this is our younger sister Lizzie Salvatore."

"What a coincidence, Lizzie my name is Liz." Liz says to Lizzie.

"Well, Lizzie is just my nickname. My real name is Elizabeth, but I don't like it. It makes me feel like I'm 100 years old or something." Lizzie says, while Stefan and I laugh.

"Boys, you never told me you had a sister before."

"Well, Sheriff Forbes I've been at a boarding school in Rome, Italy. My parents sent me there so I could have a better education and not be moved around a lot. As what happens in military families. I actually just graduated high school." Lizzie came up with on the spot.

"How old are you?" Liz asks.

"She is 16, we're a year apart." Stefan adds.

"I haven't been back to the states since I was 13. So I was in school during the summer too. But the school only lets you stay as long as you are in school, and since I'm a minor in I had to come back to the US." Lizzie says.

"Wow, Damon taking care of 1 teenager is hard enough, but 2… If you ever need help, just let me know." Liz tells me. I almost laugh because they're both as mature as and more mature than me. Sheriff Forbes gets a call and has to go. So, Stefan, Lizzie and I go inside when we're all called over by Bonnie, Elena, and…

"Caroline!" Lizzie says and runs over. I chuckle at how much like a normal 16 year old she can be at times, but I'm glad she has a friend here. We all sit down and eat and forget all the supernatural for awhile.

"Excuse, me I'm looking for a girl, who left in the morning, leaving me only a note." A man with an Australian accent.
Lizzie's POV

"Excuse, me I'm looking for a girl, who left in the morning, leaving me only a note." I immediately smile, I would know that voice and accent anywhere. I stand up and turn to face him and I want to kiss him so badly, but instead I say.

"Well, you knew I had a plane to catch early that morning, and I didn't want to wake you. You didn't get much sleep that night." I can feel all the stares from the people at table on us.

"It was your fault, I didn't any sleep." He said suggestively.

"I don't remember you objecting, Liam." I said teasingly.

"I wasn't."

Not being able to not touch him any longer, I grab him and kiss him with all the passion I can muster. His tongue begs for entrance and I happily let it in. Our tongues battle for dominance, but once I feel my brothers' stares becoming murderous, I pull away. "I missed you." I say out of breath.

"Me too." He replies, his arm wraps around my waist and we turn to the table.

"You must be the famous Liam." Caroline says.

"And you must be the famous Caroline." Liam says with that smile that's melts my heart.

"Ok, babe this is Bonnie," I say pointing to her, "and you already know who Elena is. And these are my brothers, Stefan and Damon," I say pointing to each of them, "Guys this is Liam Hemsworth my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Damon asks.

"Yes, Damon. Liam is my boyfriend. Now if you would excuse us, I've to welcome Liam home." I say pulling Liam away from the table. I know my brothers are going to interrogate Liam and I know he is going to pass with flying colors. But I never had a boyfriend when I was human, so I'm nervous. I'm going to try to keep the interrogation from happening for as long as possible. Plus, I really, really want to make love to Liam.

8 minutes later
I can't think. Liam is kissing my neck while running his hands over my bra-covered breasts. Our shirts were thrown somewhere, a long time ago. God, this man is amazing. Suddenly, Liam is thrown off my body, and my eyes immediately shoot open. I see it was my brothers, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind, I decide. But before I can start Damon says, "Both of you, down stairs NOW." He basically yells. Liam and I go downstairs to find everyone from lunch is here (do these people ever go home), and Liam and I are both topless. Damon and Stefan come down stairs last; I'm hoping Stefan calmed Damon down a little. But, when Damon sees by back he says,

"What is that?" Stefan and Damon are now standing with everyone else.

"It's called a tattoo, Damon." I reply with the same I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude that Damon is famous for.

"What is the tattoo?" Bonnie asks. I turn around to show everyone the words:Famiglia Soprattutto,across my lower back.

"What does it mean?" Elena asks.

I look over my shoulder to see my brothers and say, "If you don't know what it means, then you're a disgrace to the Salvatore name."

"Why would they be a disgrace?" Caroline asks. These questions are getting annoying, as if feeling my emotions Liam gently grabs my hand. So I don't do anything stupid. I smile at him in thanks.

"Because it is in Italian." Damon says.

"It means family above all." Stefan says, "You remember that." He asked me.

"Of course. That's about the only thing I ever believed that came out of our father's mouth, our family motto. Look, Stefan, Damon you can question him all you want, after I'm done with Liam. Ok."

"Damon, she's been making her own choices all these years and she has turned out pretty good. We should trust her." Stefan says.

"Fine, but you and I will talk to him later, ALONE." Damon says, emphasizing alone.

"It's up to Liam." I say and look at him and he just nods, knowing he could take on both my brothers with one hand tied behind his back. "Ok, bye." Liam and I use our super speed to get to my room, where I thoroughly welcome him home all night long.