Sequel: Carnage


Don't Take This Away

Nebraska liked to think that it was his eagerness to see her that led him back to the Warehouse later that night, but it was probably just his fear that she'd disappear again. People didn't want her out of their sight, these days.

She'd been just about to lock up when he came in.

"I'm going home," she said, momentarily confusing him for Rob, one of the new bartenders.

"Guess it's only fair if I get to see yours," he replied.

"And here I thought you wouldn't show up until tomorrow."

"Change of plans."

Nebraska nodded, feeling uncomfortable. She did not want to take him to her new flat, an upscale two-bedroom property near the river. It was cozy and safe, and she didn't fully trust him, or anyone, there.

"How was dinner?"


"You must not be much of a domestic, then."

"I couldn't stop thinking about you."

She had been putting on her coat, but stopped at his response.

"I thought we talked about that."

"Not well enough."

They had been standing far apart from each other, mostly because Nebraska wanted to put distance between her and Danny, as if she could give him up by being far away. He had subtly been moving closer as they spoke, and now his face was mere inches from hers.

"I highly doubt you getting this close to me will help that."

Danny chuckled, getting closer. His hand was around her waist, and if he'd moved even slightly, his lips would touch hers.

"I just wanted you to see what you were missing," he whispered, tilting back slightly to avoid kissing her.

He stepped back, and she shivered in the sudden cold where his body had been.
To her flat it was.


He barely let her get into the flat before pressing her up against the nearest wall. He still didn't kiss her, leaning back when she reached for him.

"Where were you?" he growled, yanking lightly on her hair.

"I had to leave," she murmured, practically whispering in front of him.

"Did you meet anyone like me?"

"There is no one like you."

"I don't mind that answer," he said, giving her a light nip on the neck.

Nebraska put her hand on his chest, trying to push him away. Despite his best efforts, she remembered exactly why she had left, and wasn't trying to repeat the whole debacle.

"What?" he groaned into her neck.

"We can't." He looked at her with confusion in his eyes, unable to fathom why they couldn't. He seemed to have already forgotten.

As if on cue, his phone rang, and he turned away to see who it was before sending it to voicemail.

"Girlfriend?" she asked, her voice heavy with unintentional emotion.

"Look," he began, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand, and slipped into the kitchen.

He followed closely behind her, but didn't stop her as she began pouring herself a glass of vodka. It wasn't raspberry, but it would do.

"Contrary to your beliefs, I'm not a whore."

"I didn't mean to imply that."

She sipped idly at the drink, hoping that it would make his presence in her new home a figment of her imagination.

"Then why would you be here?"

"Look," he began again, and she scoffed.

"At least don't have the gall to tell me that I'm the only girl."

"Jesus!" he cried, startling her and her glass. "Do you think I wouldn't be here if you weren't special? You fucked me and then disappeared!"

"You never called!" She hated to admit that she was hurt by it, even moreso than by the Kid's punishment.

"I went looking for you nearly every day."

"You shouldn't have."

"I'm sorry I didn't call."

She finished the rest of her glass, and began unzipping her corset. It didn't have much in terms of form, so she was wearing an underbust corset underneath, which she began untying.

"Doesn't matter now," she sighed.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"My phone was tapped. He'd probably have killed me."


She stopped undressing and looked at him.

"You were getting beaten up, I stepped in. I was given a warning for it. Two broken ribs, a split lip, numerous bruises, I got lucky."

"Jesus, I didn't know."

"You're not supposed to. It's our business. But it doesn't matter now."

"Why not?"

"The Kid is dead."

It was the first time she'd ever said it out loud, and Nebraska had to steady herself against the marble countertops upon hearing it.

This emotion was really getting the better of her.
Before Danny could offer condolences, her lips were on his. They didn't make it too far past her couch.