‹ Prequel: Of Hurt and Hope
Status: Active

Let Live

Let Live

Here's a story, just bare with me,
met a drug that changed my life.
Something like a classic movie,
just one look, all stopped with time.
Let her in through these very veins,
coursing through these tired bones.
Numb my body, healed my heart,
soothes my mind, and eased my soul!


I listened to my song through the headphones fitted into my ears. I was on a plane back to Los Angeles from Atlanta and it had been about a year and a half since Kelsey had just abandoned me. I hadn't really dated anyone else, to be completely honest. Just a random hookup with a girl I might have had chances with... but usually I just forgot them. Or, I "lost" their number. None of them could ever replace Her.
Now, I spent most nights chilling out with Alan and the guys. Signings were always fun, because I could see the fans... but in every fan, I could see her, spilling her heart out to me in just the same way Kelsey did when she only knew me as E.
I felt like she hated me for some unknown action. I signed on Skype a couple of times just to see a little white question mark next to her username, signifying I was either no longer on her friends list or I was blocked. I guessed both. I wondered if she remembered me and the times we spent together. I wondered how she was doing in college. I remembered that she wanted to become an Elementary School teacher. I wondered if she was living out her dream.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I looked behind me to see my whole band doing an up and down hand motion, pointing at their iPods. I shook my head, smiling. It was great that they kept trying to keep me cheerful, that they somehow managed to keep my moods above the depression point. Because that is what I was; depressed. And they knew it. Alan moved up a row to sit in the seat next to me for the next couple of hours before landing. We decided we'd play hangman on our phones.
After landing, it was safe to turn the service on our phones back on, so when I did, I noticed I had three missed calls. I sighed and tried to figure out who it could possible be. I tapped the screen to see who it was and instantly felt like I had been stabbed in the stomach and then immediately had the knife twisted in the wound. All three were from Kelsey's number. I stood there staring at the phone in complete shock until Alan said something.

"Hey man... I've seen that look before. What's wrong?" I showed him my phone without a word and he took a deep breath. "Oh... well, what are you going to do? Try texting her if you don't want to talk to her or something."
And so I did.
Hey.. i was on a direct flight from Atlanta to LA.. what's up?
I only had to wait a few minutes until she texted back.
Well this is kind of important.. I was wondering if you could come up to New Hampshire.. if it's okay. I sighed, the jet lag was obviously getting to me. But the fact I was actually talking to her was enough to make me feel chest pains. Why did she want something to do with me all of a sudden?
What kind of important...?
Life changing, she replied.
I went to the ticket counter and bought a ticket to Manchester New Hampshire, where Kelsey had told me she would be going to school. I hoped that things were okay with her and that she hadn't drifted into old habits. I hoped this was as important as she made it seem to be... I was actually running off to see the girl who abandoned me. Man, was I messed up.
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What do you think Kelsey is going to tell him?
Comments please!!