‹ Prequel: Of Hurt and Hope
Status: Active

Let Live


Austin's POV
I watched in utter shock, still frozen as Kelsey kneeled down, picking up the sleepy infant. I heard a door slam behind me near the kitchen and knew that Alan had saw and had seen enough. I stayed where I was, almost as if my feet had roots in the carpet.
"Austin.. I want you to meet Noah," Kelsey's voice broke the silence as the baby made soft cooing sounds. She handed me the baby and I held him out in front of me. He must have been around 6 months old. I did the math.
"... Is he..is he mine?" My throat was dry. Kelsey nodded and smiled. I pulled the baby closer to me, not really knowing what to say, think or feel. He definitely Kelsey's nose and my cheeks. He was a perfect mix. He had a full head of brown/black hair and while I sat there looking at him, I found myself smiling. He was beautiful. He was my son.
"Kelsey.. Why didn't you tell me?"
"You had your life goin--" she was interrupted.
"Please don't feed him that shit," Alan's voice came from behind me. Kelsey and I were silent while he went on. "You LEFT him. You left him that stupid note which he read over and over again. FOR MONTHS. And you never even have him an explanation. You ran off and had a kid and never told him why you left. Do you have any idea how much work it's been trying to get him just to smile?! You're so selfish, you RUINED what you two had and now you're just going to dump this kid on him--?"
"Alan. Enough," I said firmly. "Whether I forgive we and what I do in this situation is up to me. Kelsey and I will talk it out on our own time, but Butt. Out."
I looked to Kelsey and she looked away, taking Noah out of my arms. She said nothing while Alan just shook his head and left the apartment again, muttering about finding a rental car.
"I'm sorry," she murmured, placing the now awake Noah n his tummy where he immediately rolled over. "Good job, Noah!" She smiled, and so did I.
"I'm not about to say you're forgiven because you really messed up... But I want to be apart of Noah's life. And if that means living with you, I'll do it."
She nodded and moved towards me to give me a long awaited hug. I held onto her and just enjoyed her in my arms before getting on the floor next to Noah and beginning to play with him.
I noticed something though.. He was very "lanky" for a baby...
"Hey Kel... Have you had him tested for what I have..? Marfans?"
She looked down. "Yeah, I have."
And then I knew. He had inherited my disease.
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