‹ Prequel: Of Hurt and Hope
Status: Active

Let Live

Return the Favor

Alan's POV
I' was not an asshole. At least, I don't think I was being one. When Kelsey and Austin got together the first time, Austin was the definition of happy. He was probably the happiest I'd ever seen him since after Gielle. He wasn't angry all the time, he actually had something to celebrate being happy with. And when Kelsey left him, that happiness got ripped away.
The rest of the band and I were left picking up the pieces of our broken front man and best friend. He was actually starting to seem a bit better, for the most part. And then we got off the plane, ready to head home and Austin went running back to the the ticket counter to go see her just because she said she wanted to see him. Do you know how frustrating that is to the guys and I? He was running right back to the person that destroyed the fun-loving guy we were best friends with, and I strongly believed I was in the right.
So you will imagine how intrigued and happy I was when I saw the six month old baby on the floor. I knew whose it was as soon as I looked at it. I was pissed. She only needed him to help with the baby; that's it. She was going to use him. So I left, in anger, slamming the door behind me. I took a couple deep breaths just so I wouldn't lose my temper in front of the baby because I didn't want to be the cause of a baby crying.
So, once I composed myself, I came back in, standing behind Kelsey and Austin, who was now holding the baby. His name was Noah.
I listened closely.
"Kelsey.. Why didn't you tell me?" Austin seemed happy, yet distressed at the same time.
"You had your life goin--" I had heard enough. She was going to feed him the same exact shit she had left him with in that stupid letter. So I spoke up, making them both jump.
"Please don't feed him that shit," Seeing that I had caught their attention, I went on. "You LEFT him. You left him that stupid note which he read over and over again. FOR MONTHS. And you never even have him an explanation. You ran off and had a kid and never told him why you left. Do you have any idea how much work it's been trying to get him just to smile?! You're so selfish, you RUINED what you two had and now you're just going to dump this kid on him--?"
Austin interrupted me and told me to butt out. So I did, my face red with anger and frustration as I went outside to find a place to rent a car on my phone. I was sitting on the curb when I heard a voice above me.
"Hey... are you that Austin guy Kelsey was telling me about?" I looked up from what I was doing to see a girl standing above me in some kind of sports' gear. I was guessing from Lacrosse. I stood up and smiled.
"No, I'm his friend." I tried not to sound sarcastic, mainly because I wasn't sure if this girl (whom I was assuming was Kelsey's room mate) was really into our type of music. So I let the name mix up slide. "I'm Alan. Alan Ashby," I smiled at the short girl and shook her hand.
"Erica," she nodded and shook my hand back with a very soft smile. "Are you the one that likes cats?" She smirked. So Kelsey had told her about me.
"I guess you could say that," I was smiling just as much back. "So.... you play Lacrosse?"
Erica nodded excitedly and smiled. "Yup! Do you play?"
"Not really, I just know you have a stick and wear face masks and stuff. Maybe you could teach me more though," I said, almost flirtatiously. It was amazing; my bad mood was almost gone.
That is, until I got a blast of tweets to my phone from fans asking me if it was true Austin was a father. What the fuck had just happened? What did he do?
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The song obviously comes from All Time Low; if you've never heard of All Time Low, go on Spotify and create a playlist of all their songs and enjoy. Go. Now.
Also, comment, and I want some opinions. I think a chapter in Alan's point of view was necessary mainly because he was being moody for seemingly no reason, so I kind of had to put you all in his shoes. Should I also make a plot involving Alan and this possible blooming relationship?