‹ Prequel: Of Hurt and Hope
Status: Active

Let Live

Not a Chapter

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'm just kind of at a stand still at all of my fics. I don't know what to write or how to write it. And sometimes I feel like if I start writing it will become some kind of cliche fic if it isn't already.

I guess I'm not that comfortable with how I write any more, and I just need some inspiration. I've been in a downward spiral lately with bullying and such, and I've been dealing with more self harm issues again. Things will be okay, eventually, I hope.

Oh, and I thought I'd tell you guys, since this kind of made my day, Aaron Pauley tweeted me today. You know the post he made about going to get a burger? Well, I asked him what his favorite toppings were on burgers and he answered me! You can see it on his personal twitter account. I think it was so cool! I'm really grateful that that happened and I feel kind of blessed because that tweet came to me just when I needed it most.

Once I get some motivation though and some ideas I'll let you know. <3