Frank The Ninja

Frank The Ninja

Frank sighed, it had been four hours and that asshole still wasn't home. He shifted his weight in the chair. He was sat in the dark waiting for his boyfriend to get back… Yeah, I know kinda rapey right? Anyway he sighed again and then flicked open his phone the LED screen lighting his worried face, his tongue slid over his lip ring as he checked his messages, still nothing, he grunted becoming frustrated at his boyfriend's incompetence.

The latch clicked on the front door and Gerard quietly crept in to his boyfriend's house, the door shut behind him making him jump at the sudden break of silence

"Shhhh!" Gerard turned and scolded the inanimate object as if expecting an apology. He stumbled towards the light switch and lightly flicked it on. He went into the kitchen to make himself a coffee in an attempt to sober up before climbing in to bed with his 'sleeping' lover.

He was finally home and Frank had to stifle a giggle as the guy bumbled through the house trying and failing to be quiet. Frank took this as an opportunity to go all ninja on his partner's cute little ass. He quietly crept forward and stood in the kitchen doorway.

Gerard hummed a tune as he fixed his coffee he started to turn saying

"Thank god he's asleep or he would probably FUCK ME!" Gerard screamed like a girl the coffee slipping from his hands.

"I would have but I couldn't cos' you were out getting drunk" Frank replied walking back in to the hallway before making his way up the stairs. Gerard stood there shocked sober.

"Frank I'm…

"Clean up your mess when you're done in the kitchen Gerard" Frank interrupted not an ounce of emotion seeping into his voice. The bedroom door shut and Gerard suddenly felt very alone.

*** 30 minutes (ish) later ***

Frank laid in bed wondering if Gerard had just gone back to his own place, he was getting nervous, a sense of dread was settling in his stomach. But his mind was soon put at rest as he heard the bedroom door creek open and then shut again. The bed jarred as Gerard climbed under the cover.

"Frankie? You awake?" He whispered in to his lover's ear, his long, greasy, black hair tickling the man's neck.

"Mmmm" Frank replied not wanting to give the impression he gave a damn about what Gerard was saying

"I'm so, so, so sorry about tonight Frank I really am I just… I… I guess I don't a good thing when I've got it do I?" Nothing, Gerard sighed he wasn't expecting Frank to forgive this quickly, but he hated it when he got the silent treatment, he was sure that was a guy thing cos' chicks seemed to enjoy the quiet, he kissed Franks neck then turned over and closed his eyes. Frank hated this 'say nothing, say nothing, say nothing' he thought

"Gee I'm not angry at you" 'What a penis! I'm such an idiot, I say: say nothing what do I do? Spill my guts nice going dumb-ass!' Frank kicked himself,Gerard turned around

"Really?" He said thinking 'crap is he sick? What is wrong with him?'

"Yeah" Frank replied tiredly. Gerard just smiled and leaned kissing Frank deeply

"I love you" Frank said

"I know"

"You make me worry though"

"I know"

"But I will always care for you"

"I know"

"Which is saying a lot cos' you can be a real jackass at times"

"I know… Wait what?"
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I hope you liked this... um yeeeaaaah :P