Room 314

Room 314

Music came from next door every night at eleven o’clock and stopped at 12:30. This was something I had come to learn since I got this apartment and it’s something that had drove me out of my mind, yet calmed me too. The music was incredible. It was a guitar, and some songs I could recognize. They called to me. Every time I heard it, it was like breathing new life.

But who the @#!*% was playing it?

The apartment next to mine is unoccupied. Has been since years before I moved in. The inside was said to be a disaster, like a tornado had came crashing through only that room in the entire apartment complex. I had never seen it, but that’s what people said. People said it was haunted.
Once one of my neighbors told me the story. They said that a couple lived in their once, just about seven years ago. The woman was very social they said. She was friends with almost everyone in the building. She was kind, always bringing cakes to the sick and saying hello in the halls. People said she had the most luminescent smile anyone had seen.

Her boyfriend wasn’t seen quite as much… nor at all. He was seen at night, coming home from work, although no one knew what he did for a living. He left before anyone woke up and came back in a suit and tie. People assumed he had a demanding job and that’s why he was never home. Assumed.

But at night the neighbors always heard terrible fights. The boyfriend yelling at the lady was echoed through the corridors, though no one knew what he was saying. He always yelled in a language no one understood. But whatever he yelled, it pierced the ears of every tenant in the building. Multiple times the police were called in. The fighting stopped and everything would for the most part resume to normal. Except the lady’s face afterward. She appeared the next couple days with bruises and black eyes. Everyone knew he beat her, but she never admitted it. Always made excuses about falling down, or accidentally hitting herself with a wine cork. Thinks that happened to normal people every once in a while, but didn’t happen every week.

One night it got desperately bad. The yelling went on for hours on end. This time multiple people called the police to calm it down. But before the police came all suddenly went quiet. People crowded in the hall, watching as the police banged on the door, waiting for a reply, but none came. When the building owner came to unlock the door, the women was found on the living room floor with multiple stab wounds in her chest and back, and the man was found with one directly in his heart, the knife still protruding from his chest as he lay on the living room couch. The apartment was a disaster, like a fight had happened, with furniture smashed and broken materials littering the floor. The bodies were taken care of, the apartment was locked for all times sake, and the tenants never spoke of it again.

I moved in seven years later to the apartment next door. And every night since I moved in, I’ve heard this music dance in the air from eleven o’clock to twelve thirty, when it suddenly stopped and all became ghostly silent. At first I assumed it was from one of the neighbors, but when I asked around, everyone said that it came from the apartment next to mine, room 314.