Super Heroes Don't Always Win

Our Lady Of Sorrows!

Mikey sighed. It had been a long day, He had seen his brother again and well it hadn't gone down as he had planned but then it never did. He was now sat on the top of the local cinema, right on the edge, looking down at the cars and the people in the streets, tiny, scurrying trying to escape the sunset, the dark that was coming. The night was not safe for humans in New Jersey; the towns turned on their dwellers giving in to the drug dealers, their white powders and thin liquids. Guilty pleasures paid for themselves. He huffed as the cries of a woman shouting for help down an alley crawled into his ears. She wasn't far, not that that mattered to him. He simply stood and stepped of the edge of the building. He fell, fast, hard, the ground coming closer, rushing up to meet him then crack he landed on his toes at the end of the alley three blocks down from the cinema.

The man turned to see what was going on as a hooded figure stalked towards him. He held the young girl harder by the throat as she struggled to break free of his cruel grip.

"Let her go" The hooded figure demanded, his voice devoid of any emotion.

"Hey you want one go find your own asshole, cos she's belongs to me from the waist down." The man stated pissed at this guys sheer audacity.

"I'm not a cockroach like you so I don't need sexual gratification by raping a girl which you clearly do." He paused and a small humourless smirk crossed his features

"Although I do sympathise, I mean if my mum was as big a whore as yours I would probably be a little pissed of to." He finished looking the attacker dead in the eyes un-nerving the man with the look of psychotic-ness he found there.

"W-What did you say 'bout my mother? You lil' p-punk" He stammered trying to retain some composure.

"You heard what I said now let the girl go and run away before I make it impossible for you to even stroll down the sidewalk without cringing"

"Get lost ass…" SMACK the man was knocked to the ground with the force of the punch

"Get out of here, NOW!" This was the first time the girl had even been addressed and she gratefully took his advice and ran like crazy. Another crack filled the air as three more people joined the others in the alley.

"I thought I heared you making a mess of someone's face" Said the man stood in the middle his short platinum blonde hair standing on end.

"What can I say E there is just something about the sound of crunching faces that gets me going" Replied the now un-hooded man, he was slightly taller than the blonde and had longer dark brown hair stuck tightly to his narrow yet handsome face.



"Hey, I'm not a psycho, I just like psychotic things" The blonde replied in mock hurt, a small smile playing across his otherwise blank features. In the midst of this conversation the cockroach had decided that he would try and get away but before he could even move, the smallest of the group raised his hand and shook his head and the cockroach suddenly found himself pinned to the floor by some invisible force.

"Uh-uh where do you think your going, No wait, don't answer that I already know" He spoke quietly and calmly with a small amount of humour.

"Naw be nice I'm sure he just wants to get home to his loving family, or go find another girl to rape either one its all the same he's gonna get hit by a car tomorrow at half five in the afternoon and die in a coma after three days five hours and six minutes so it really doesn't matter" Spoke the final man his dark afro framing his calm features, unlike the others he seemed incapable of keeping emotion from his face, although every now and again his eyes would glaze over and he would frown deeply.

"I-I-I what? How the hell do you know that?" Spoke the cockroach stammering with the realisation that these guys were way past ordinary.

"Cos that's what I do" Replied the man with the afro

"Now shut up, 'Cause' you wanna play?"

"Hell yeah" said the previously hooded man. He stared at the cockroach and the man on the floor began to squirm, then he started cringing, soon he was writhing on the floor in so much pain he couldn't even scream.

"That's enough!" Said the shortest of them as he closed his eyes holding back tears

"Sorry 'Mind' but I got to do this, he deserves it" replied 'Cause'

"'E' Take me away I cant stand it" 'Mind' begged. 'E' did as he wished a reached for his hand, taking it gently he smiled evilly at the writhing man on the floor then he and 'Mind' disappeared with a loud crack leaving nothing in their wake but a light breeze. 'Cause' finally stopped then knelt down beside his victim and smirked at the man gasping for breath, tears streaming down his face and said…

"If you ever do that again we will hunt you down and finish the job clear?" The man nodded vigorously before saying

"Who are you?"

"I am 'The Cause' you met my brother 'The Effect' and that is 'The Sight' over there" He said gesturing to the one with fro

"The one with the black hair that left is called 'The Mind' and we are The Midnight Crew" He stood grabbed 'The Sight's hand and with a crack they were also gone.
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First chappy, you happy?... Let me know and now I'll go.. ok the shitty rhymes will stop now... maybe mwhahahaha!!